• book excerpt •

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~From a book I'll never write~

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I passed the ball to a mate and watched as he dashed for the try line, darting from side to side as he dodged players on the opposing team. I suddenly stopped - a particular stride of movement caught my eye causing me to look in the direction it was coming from.

It was her.

Her usual, happy bounce wasn't in her stride - instead it was sharp, strong and she walked quickly with purpose, suggesting something was wrong.

She looked angry, hurt and tired, making me suddenly stand on edge as I hoped I wasn't the reason why she looked so broken. She made a bee-line straight for me, disregarding the noise and chaos going on around us; she had daggers in her eyes and barbed wire on her lips ready to prick ever word she was to speak, to make sure I felt it.

I stood frozen, unsure and almost afraid, I'd never seen her this way; such a harsh black tone, with myself soon fading to shades of grey as she got closer.

She stopped abruptly only inches away, her anger radiating off of her like the heat of a blue flame. I had done this, I had done this no doubt. I had snapped the seams, exposing all the blue hues of hurt and stormy greys of anger.

"We need to talk." She growled. Her voice was low, almost a whisper - a harsh venomous whisper that sent a sharp shiver down my spine, and my heart into a marathon.

The field seemed to suddenly become eerily quiet and vacant, the only sound being the sound of my heartbeat drumming in my ears.

I took a deep breath and swallowed hard. "Sure, what's wrong?"

Stupid! Stupid!

"What's wro-" She clenched her jaw and took a step closer, tears welling up in her eyes before she exhaled heavily and continued on.

"I'm tired of you, tired of you making promises you don't even make an effort to keep!", her voice was strong and stern. "I'm tired of you going behind my back, while I'm here in trapped in your stupid shackles, staying loyal and trusting you, because I care and love you. I'm tired of being here as your second choice and backup in case your fling with another chick backfires and doesn't work - when I'm supposed to be here as your girlfriend, your partner. I'm tired feeling like I'm only here for you to fall back on, to make you feel like you're top dog because you're so tough and have a significant other. I'm tired of constantly treating you with respect and getting none at all in return; tired of giving you everything I have, only for you to take advantage of it and give nothing back. I love you, dear god I do, but I'm done waiting for you to grow up and decide when you want to contribute to the relationship, or whatever the hell this circus act is. Three years I have been waiting for you, three whole years, and not once did I give up on you, or give up trying to show you how much you meant to me. Though now, since there's a first time for everything, I've given up on working my ass off, I've given up on waiting for you. I give up."

Broken Wings - Poetry {COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now