• book excerpt II •

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Her index finger drew small circles on my chest, but soon came to a steady halt. She looked up at me, her crystal blue eyes locking onto mine as they shone in the early morning sunlight, that trickled through the window.

She sat in a brief moment of thoughtfulness, making sure to compose her words carefully before she spoke up.

"Can I ask you something - out of pure curiosity that is?" She questioned.

"Sure." I hummed as I looked over at her, so she knew she had my full attention.

She gave a heavy sigh. Whatever it was she wanted to say, she was unsure of whether to speak it aloud or at all.

"Uh, d-do you... love me?" She stammered.
I felt her body tense up, suddenly making me aware of how much she regretted asking the question.

I pulled her in closer, tighter, for reassurance.
"Of course I do."

She gave a light frown. "Are you just saying that because I'm naked?"

"Look at me - "

She did.

"I love you regardless, I love you no less, whether your clothes are on or off. I will always love you for you, not because you're undressed. I'm not saying I don't love you though when you're undressed - ", I gave a light chuckle, "I mean, damn babe you're real fine."

She gave a small smile as her eyes trailed from mine, to my lips.

"Yes, I do love you." I clarified in a whisper as I pulled her closer to me once again.

Her lips crashed down heavily onto mine, with the most amount of passion I'd ever felt and received from this angel of mine.

After settling back down I smiled down at her, catching her gaze.
"Now, do you love me?"

Broken Wings - Poetry {COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now