• extremities •

26 1 0

He makes me feel as though I'm on
c l o u d n i n e .

high up,
I'm so no one dare bring me

I could touch the clouds,
feel the breeze brush across my skin.

I felt alive.

It was then that I finally knew what
happiness was and what it really felt like.

I was happy...

Well, I mean -
that was back then.


he suffocates me in a swell of hurt and sadness.

I've sunk so deep into an ocean of tears,
I don't have the energy to find the surface.

I can't
b r e a t h e ,
I feel so

e m p t y.

What's happiness?
Oh, I-I can't really remember.
Its been so long.

I think the last time I checked, it was him,
but I guess that's changed.

Silly me.

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