At the hospital

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On their way to the hospital Logan passed out and Rory tried to wake him up with no luck.

"Baby, please wake up. You are starting to scare me."Rory begged him.

No response...

She decided to call Finn again.

"Hello, love are you two on your way?" He asked concerned

"Yeah, we're almost there but can you boys wait by the emergency entrance?" She asked

"Sure love, everything okey?" He asked

"No.. Logan just passed out and I can't wake him up." She answered now crying

"Just try to stay calm love, we'll see you soon okey?"He told her

"Yeah, thanks Finn and thank Colin to from me?"

"Sure thing love and I won't be anywhere else!"

About 10 minutes after she hung up with Finn, they finally arrived at the hospital.
Rory told Frank to park at the emergency entrance. When the pulled up, Rory saw the boys waiting. As soon as the car stopped, both Colin and Finn came running helping Rory get Logan out of the car. When they had gotten him out they both helped carry Logan inside the hospital. Rory ran inside as fast as she could just to get help.

"Can I get some help, my fiancé has a high fever and he has passed out!" She screamed

Two doctors came running with a gurney, they laid Logan on the gurney and rolled him in to an examination room. As soon Colin and Finn had laid the unconscious Logan on the gurney, they ran up to Rory to try to comfort her because she was no crying uncontrollably.

"Hey Ror, try to calm down okey?"Colin told her.

"HOW AM I SUPPOSED TO BE CALM WHEN LOGAN IS UNCONSCIOUS !?!?" She screamed while hyperventilating.

"Hush love, Logan wouldn't want you to be crying, he will be just fine okey?"Finn told her calmly

"I'm sorry guys.. I'm just worried about him." She said crying even more now.

"We're worried to Rory." Colin told her.

"I know." she said.

"Excuse me, are you family of Logan Huntzberger?" A doctor asked Colin, Rory and Finn while walking up to them.

"That's us." They said at the same time.

Next chapter will include Honor Huntzberger, Lorelai Gilmore.

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