A Happy Surprise & A Break From Feeling Sick.

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When she had gotten Logan in bed, Rory had sat down on the couch and started crying. She knew they shouldn't have gone to lunch. He didn't have the strength and she felt terrible for dragging him out.

She walked over to the bed and gently kissed him on his forehead then she slowly got into bed and minutes later she also fell asleep.
A few hours later Logan woke up and at first he didn't know where he was. He started to panic and that seemed to have woken up Rory.

"Logan, are you okey?" She asked him while sitting up and hugging him.

"Where am I?" He asked her panicked.

"You're home and in bed. Everything is okey Logan. I'm right here with you." She told him in a reassuring tone.

He leaned back on Rory whom gently laid him back down and she laid down right beside him and hugged him.
Just minutes later he were asleep again and soon also Rory.
They slept like that until the next day.

Rory woke up before Logan, she gently gave him a kiss and then she slowly got out of bed and walked to the living room and sat down on the couch and turned on the Tv. About 30 minutes later she got a text from Finn.

"How's our boy doing?" ~ Finny.

~ "He's doing better right now, but I honestly don't know." - Ror.

~ "What would you say if I said that me and Colin are standing outside your door? :)" - Finny.

Rory didn't believe him so she walked to the door and opened it and there stood both Finn and Colin.

"What on earth are guys doing here?" She asked them smiling.

"Well we haven't seen you in a while so we thought we would surprise our two best friends." Finn answered her while hugging her.

"We have missed our two best friends so much, so why not surprise you?" Colin told her while also hugging her.

"Where is our boy?" Finn asked her.

"Still sleeping, he had a rough day yesterday, he woke up confused he didn't even know where he was." She told them both while tearing up.

"Love, I'm sure that everything's going to be okey. Don't worry to much." Finn reassured her.

"He's a fighter Rory, just think after the accident in Costa Rica happened he never gave up. He won't give up now either." Colin told her.

"I guess you guys are right, it's just really difficult. " She told them honestly.

"Why don't we go in to the kitchen and have some coffee?" Finn asked them.

"Sure, I could use a cup right now." She answered.

The walked in to the kitchen, they sat down at the kitchen Island. Colin made some coffee, he took out three cups then Rory brought out some cupcakes.
Then after an hour she excused herself to go and cheek on Logan.

She left the guys in the kitchen and walked to the bedroom, she gently opened the door and saw he was sleeping but not very peacefully. He kept turning like he were having a nightmare. She walked over to him and sat down beside him. She put her hand on his cheek and just as she did it he seemed to calm down a little.

"Baby, I'm here." She softly whispered to him.

"Ace??" He asked sounding scared.

"Everything is okey sweetie, I'm here and I'm not leaving you." She told him reassuring.

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