10 Years In The Future Part 1

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10 years later...

A lot of things had happened in the gangs life.
Finn and Rosemary had finally tied the knot, so had Colin and Stephanie . The two couples had gotten two kids each.

Colin and Stephanie had two kids, a boy named Daniel 6 years and a girl named Hannah who's 9 years.

Finn and Rosemary had two kids whom were twins. Two boys named Harry and Nicholas whom both were 10 years.

Rory and Logan celebrated their tenth year anniversary. Besides from Richard whom now were 13, they had another two kids named Sarah and Melany whom were twins and both 10 years old.

Rory and Logan still lived in their mansion, they had made some changes in the house. Finn and Stephanie and Colin and Rosemary had all moved into the houses next door.

One regular morning Logan and Rory sat at the kitchen island, both drinking their coffee.

"So our tenth anniversary is coming up soon. Should we do something special?" Rory asked him while drinking from her coffee cup.

"I thought we were just gonna celebrate with the gang and the kids?" Logan answered her while having a totally different idea.

"Oh okey." Rory told him a little disappointed.

"It will be great I promise you. We'll barbecue and play games." Logan told her while standing up from the chair and kissed her on the cheek.

"Where you going?" Rory asked him.

"I'm going over to Finn's, need to talk to him about something." Logan answered her.

"Okey see you later?" Rory asked him while grabbing her phone.

"Of course baby. Love you." Logan told her while kissing her.

Logan walked out from the house and walked over to Finn's house, were both Finn and Colin were waiting for him. He walked up to the front door and knocked on the door.

A few seconds later Finn opened the door and Logan walked in.

"So ten years mate, who would have thought."Finn told him while giving him a bro hug.

"Yeah, I can't believe it either." Logan told him while also giving Colin a bro hug.

"So what's your plan for the anniversary?" Finn asked while handing him a beer.

"Actually I'm planning on asking her to marry me again. I want to renew our vows." Logan answered him while drinking from his beer.

"That sounds like a great plan mate and now your kids can be a part of it." Colin told him.

"I'm actually going to go and buy a new ring with Richard tomorrow." Logan told them.

They stayed at Finn's house for few more hours, then Logan decided it was time to get back. He said goodbye to the guys and then walked out from the house.

He walked towards his house and walked inside. Once inside he walked downstairs to the basement and saw all of his three kids were watching tv together.

"Hey kids, what are you watching?" Logan asked them while sitting down on the couch.

"We're watching Daddy Daycare." Melany answered him.

"Didn't think you watched child movies." Logan teased Richard.

"Well not usually, but the twins wanted to watch it and I have nothing else to do." Richard answered him.

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