Facing Reality

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"You havd cancer Logan."

"Can it be treated?" Logan asked almost crying.

"Baby we really should wait for Dr.Grey to give us more information." Rory told him crying and while grabbig his hand.

Suddenly there was a knock on the door and in came Finn, Colin and Honor.

"Look how's awake finally." Honor exclaimed happily.

"Hey sis."Logan said while trying to smile.

"How are you feeling Logan?"Colin asked concerned.

"I'm not really sure, considering I just learned I have cancer.." Logan said.

Rory looked Logan straight into his eyes and kept telling him, things were going to be okey.
But Logan didn't really believe her, he just didn't know how things could be okey.

"Mate is there anything we can get you?" Finn asked.

You could go to my and Rory's apartment and get some new clothes for both me and Rory." Logan replied.

"Of course mate." Finn told him.

"Thanx guys." Logan told them.

Soon after Colin and Finn had left Logans room, Dr.Grey and Dr.Avery came in.

"Hello Logan, Rory, how are you feeling Logan?" Dr.Grey wondered.
"I'm not really sure."Logan answered.

"Dr.Grey can you please give us more information about Logans cancer?" Rory asked.

"Yes of course, Leukemia can be a tricky cancer to treat, but certain forms of it can be almost completely cured. There are certain types of chemotherapy drugs, such as Gleevec, can almost remove all traces of cancer." Dr.Grey answered.

"Though there are some side effects to the treatment, it is still one of the most effective cures for a specific type of cancer." Dr.Avery continued.

"So um how do we treat it?" Logan asked not really sure if he wanted the answer.

"There is only one curative treatment for CML and it's a bone marrow transplant or an
allogeneic stem cell transplant." Dr.Avery told them.

"So we need to find someone who is a match but first we need to start you on chemotherapy." Dr.Grey told them.

"We can see if I'm a match?" Honor said.

"Honor, I can't ask you to do that." Logan said guilty.

"You are not asking me Logan, you're my baby brother and I'm not sure if I'm even a match." Honor told him.

"So when can I go home?" Logan asked

"Maybe the next couple of days, depends on how your first chemotherapy session goes." Dr.Grey answered

"Okey, so when's the first one?" Logan wondered not knowing what to expect

"Your first chemo starts tomorrow morning." Dr.Grey answered.

"We'll be back later to check in on you." Dr.Avery told them.

Not soon after the doctors had left, Rory took Honor aside and asked if she could check upon Finn and Colin. But mostly she wanted to be alone with Logan to make sure how he is.

Honor did as told and left for Rory and Logans apartment. Shortly after she had left, Rory walked up to Logan who was going to have a breakdown after everything that happened.

"Baby? You okey?" She asked worried

Logan just nodded, afraid that if he started talking he would breakdown.

"Logan, baby, I love you and you are going to be fine, you hear me?" She told him reassuringly.

That made Logan break, he covered his head with his hands and started crying, Rory wrapped her arms around Logan and slowly rubbed his back and kissed him on his forehead.

"Why are you so good to me?" He whispered quietly.

"Because I love you Logan Elias Huntzberger." She told him.

"I love you to Ace." He said still crying.

Logan never thought that this would happen to him and he had no idea on what would happen next. But he knew two things and that was that he were going to beat this and he would have his Ace with him the whole time.

When will Logan come home? How will his first chemo session go? Will his parents find out?
Thank you guys so much for reading my story Will post soon again, Promise

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