Another Regular day

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A couple of days later, Rory had woken up and had noticed that Logan was still sleeping.

To be honest she couldn't remember the last time Logan slept for a longer time without waking up. She decided to stay in bed for a little while longer, she just enjoyed being in Logan's arms.

About 30 minutes later she decided to gently get up from the bed.
After she had gotten up from the bed then quietly walked out from the bedroom and walked into the kitchen.

Grabbing her phone that laid on the kitchen island, she saw she had a missed call from Logan's dad. She sighed and wondered what he wanted this time. She decided text her mom instead.

~ "You awake yet mom"? - Rory.

~ "It's early kid, but yes I'm awake." - Lorelei.

~ "Great, cause I need your advice on something." - Rory.

~ "Something wrong kid? It is Logan?" ~ Lorelei.

- "It's not Logan mom, but it's his dad. He has called both me and Logan a couple of days ago but he just left voicemails." - Rory.

~ "Do you think he has found out about Logan's remission?" ~ Lorelei.

~ "I think he has found out, I just don't know how he could have found out.. We haven't told him, we've just told Honor and Josh." - Rory.

~ "Do you think Honor could have told him?" ~ Lorelei.

~ "I don't think Honor could have told him, she hardly talks to him." - Rory.

~ "Maybe you should at least listen to what he has to say kid?" - Lorelei.

~ "Either me or Logan wants to listen to his message. Logan doesn't need this kind of stress right now." - Rory.

~"When is his next appointment?" ~ Lorelei.

~ "Today, in a couple of hours actually." - Rory.

~"Are you nervous about what the doctors will say?"- Lorelei.

~ "Actually I'm a little nervous that it will be bad news all over again." - Rory.

~"It will be okey Rory, you both will be fine." ~ Lorelei.

~"Logan, just woke up, I'll call you after our appointment."- Rory.

She laid down her phone and walked over to Logan whom stood leaning onto the kitchen opening.

"How are you feeling today babe?" She asked him while wrapping her arms around his waist then kissed him.

"I'm kind of okey, mostly worried about today." Logan answered her while kissing her back.

"It will be fine, I'm worried too." Rory to him honestly.

"What do you say to after my appointment, we go on a spontaneous vacation?" Logan suggested to her.

"A spontaneous vacation? Where?" Rory asked him surprised.

"Yes, no matter what the doctor say, I want to go on a vacation with you." Away from all of this. Logan answered her.

"And were would we go on this spontaneous vacation? And are you sure you are up for it?" Rory asked him curiously.

"You will just have to see. I just know you will love it. I promise you Ace, I need to get away with you." Logan answered her while he kissed her.

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