Family of Logan Huntzberger

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"Family of Logan Huntzberger?" One of the doctors who had taken care of Logan when they came to the hospital.

"That is us."All three replied.

"Hello I'm doctor Grey, who of you are Rory Gilmore?"Dr.Grey asked

"I'm Rory Gilmore, how are Logan?"Rory asked Dr.Grey

"He is unfortunately still unconscious, we'll keep running tests on him."Dr.Grey informed them.
I suggest you should call his family for example Parents or siblings."Dr.Grey continued.

Rory wasn't able to speak anymore after what Dr.Grey informed them, so Finn answered for her.

"Thank you Dr.Grey, will you please keep us informed?"He asked.

"Yes I will inform you about anything new information." Dr.Grey replied.

After Dr.Grey left, Rory collapsed in to one of the nearest chairs. She just didn't know what to do anymore. Finn and Colin just looked at each other and nodded.

"Colin, can you go find us some coffee?"Finn asked.

"Yeah, sure I'll be back soon okey Rory?"Colin told her.

Rory just nodded, she just didn't want to talk. Finn sat down next to her and held her hand and tried to comfort her. The it just hit Rory that she hadn't even called Honor or her mom, they needed to know especially Honor. She looked at Finn and said.

"I totally forgot to call both Honor and my mom, can you please call Honor?I don't think
I can handle it, I'm nearly holding it together.."
She said almost crying

"Of course love, I can call Honor, can you handle calling your mom?"He asked her.

"Yes, I can handle calling my mom, I think.."She answered.

"I'll be right back love okey?"Finn asked her

"Okey, thanks Finn." She thanked him.

Once Finn left to call Honor, Rory picked up her phone and dialed her mom.
~"Lorelai Gilmore speaking.

~" Hi mom. It's me."

~" Hi kid, what's up? You don't sound great."

~" Well I'm in the hospital.. and before you ask I'm fine." She said.

~"What!! Why is everything okey?" Lorelai asked.

~" No.. Logan is unconscious and he have been like that for about 2,5 hours, I don't know what
to do mom..."

"What hospital are you at?"

"Grey Sloan memorial."

"I'll be there in 30 minutes tops, okey kid?"

"Thanks mom."

"Don't worry about it, see you soon kid."

"Bye mom." Rory said while hanging up.


As soon as Rory had hung up on her mom, Colin came back with three cups of coffee and some cupcakes.

"Where is Finn?" He asked

"He's talking to Honor." Rory replied

Just seconds after Colin came back so came also Finn back.

"Honor will be here soon." He told them.

"How did she take it?" Rory asked Finn

"As good as expected." Finn replied.

"What about your mom, Rory?" Colin asked her.

"She will be here soon." She replied.

30 minutes later both Honor and Lorelai showed up at the hospital. Rory ran to hug her mom and Honor.

"Hi kid. How are you holding up? Lorelai asked while hugging her.

"Hi mom." Rory said while hugging her.

"Rory, how is my brother doing?"Honor asked Rory while hugging her.

"I'm not sure, last I heard so was he still unconscious."Rory replied.

"Love, do you want me to go find Dr.Grey again?" Finn asked Rory.

"Yeah, please Finn!" Rory replied.

"I'll be right back." He told them.

More tomorrow :)

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