Spontaneous Vacation

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"Can you please tell me where we're going Logan?" Rory begged him while packing her suitcase.

"No way, you will just have to wait to see." Logan answered her while packing his own suitcase.

"But I need to know what I have to pack." Rory sighed.

"Just pack what you need and if you need something else we will buy it, it's more irresponsible." Logan told her while kissing her.

"And you're just mister irresponsible now are you?" Rory asked him while packing the last into her suitcase.

"You know me." Logan answered her while wrapping his arms around her and kissed her.

After they had finished packing their suitcases, Logan had called Frank and asked him to pick them up in 25 minutes.

"Are you ever planning on telling me where you are taking me?" Rory asked him as they were walking out from the apartment and towards the elevator.

"If I told you were we're going then it just wouldn't be a surprise now would it?" Logan told her while pressing the elevator button.

The elevator doors opened and they both walked inside, Logan then pressed the lobby button. They reached the lobby floor and walked out from the elevator and towards the entrance. When they walked outside, Frank grabbed their suitcases and put them in the trunk while Rory and Logan got into the car.

"Champagne Ace?" Logan asked her while grabbing two champagne glasses.

"Of course, what a perfect way to start this spontaneous getaway." Rory answered her while taking one of the glasses.

"This little vacation is just my way of thanking you for these past few months." Logan told her.

"You are something really special you know?" Rory told him while giving him a kiss on his cheek.

After they had been driving for almost an hour, Rory saw a sign that read Martha's Vineyard.

"Logan, why wouldn't you tell me, we were going here?" Rory asked him surprised.

"If I had told you, then this wouldn't have been a surprise." Logan answered her while drinking from his glass.

"We haven't been here for almost 3 years, can't believe has been so long." Rory told him.

"Well we have been kind of busy, with everything that's happened." Logan told her while checking his phone.

"Haven't you checked your dads message yet"? Rory asked him knowing it was a sensitive subject.

"I have listened to it, it really wasn't that bad." Logan answered her.

"What did he say? I haven't listened to the message yet, I just think you should listen to yours first." Rory told him while refilling her champagne glass.

"Apparently my dad found out that you and I are engaged and he wanted to invite us to lunch." Logan told her while putting his phone down.

"Do you think that having lunch with him is a good idea?" Rory asked him honestly.

"I guess it's kind of a bad idea but maybe we should think about it." Logan answered her.

30 minutes later they arrived at the house in Martha's Vineyard. They got out from the car, grabbed their suitcases and Logan grabbed her hand and they walked towards the door.
Logan grabbed the key and unlocked the door, then they walked inside.

"Should we get something to eat?" Rory asked him.

"Sure, I had the caretaker stock the fridge and take care of the necessities." Logan answered her while putting their suitcases down.

"What are you in the mood for?" Rory asked him while walking towards the kitchen.

"Maybe just a sandwich and something to drink?" Logan answered her while joining her in the kitchen.

"I'll do the sandwiches and you get something to drink?" Rory told him while grabbing the bread and some cheese, butter, and ham.

"Sure, what do you want to drink?" Logan asked her.

"Just orange juice please?" Rory answered him.

"Orange juice is coming right up." Logan told her while opening the fridge and grabbing the orange juice.

15 minutes later they walked outside one the porch, they sat down by the table and started talking.

"I still can't believe you did this." Rory told him while taking a bite from her sandwich.

"We both need to get away from everything." Logan told her while drinking from his glass.

"We should get started on discussing the wedding." Rory told him while drinking from her glass.

"Yes, we should. First things first do you want a spring or summer wedding?" Logan asked her.

"I'd really want a spring wedding, what do you want?" Rory answered him while sitting back and relaxed.

"If you want a spring wedding then we're having a spring wedding." Logan told her while laying his arm around her neck and kissed her.

"I love you so much Logan." Rory told him.

"I love you too Ace."Logan told her while kissing her again.

"So what date? April the 14th?" Rory asked him.

"Or March the 8th?" Logan answered her.

"Should we continue discussing the date?" Rory suggested to him.

"Or we'll settle on a mutual date? Like March the 30th?" Logan suggested to her while drinking from his glass.

"March 30th sounds like perfect a compromise." Rory agreed with him.

"Should we decide on who to invite and not invite?" Logan asked her.

"I guess we should, I'm just gonna go back inside and grab a pen and paper." Rory answered him while standing up from the chair.

Rory walked back into the house and grabbed a pen and paper, then walked back outside. She noticed that Logan seemed a little distant just sitting there staring into the air.

"You okey baby?" Rory asked him while placing her arm on his shoulder which seemed to get his attention.

"Yeah, I'm just having a difficult time really wrapping my head around all this being in remission thing.." Logan answered her honestly.

"I'm having a hard time too, wrapping my head around this to. Don't get me wrong I'm so relieved that you're in remission." Rory told him honestly.

"I wouldn't have made it by these past months without you Ace." Logan told her while
grabbing her hand.

"You know I wouldn't have been any were else these past few months Logan." Rory told him while kissing him on his cheek.

Btw next episode will be a time jump!!

Please enjoy this episode!!! ❤️

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