A much needed visit

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30 minutes later.

Finn and Colin walked out of the elevator and walked straight to apartment 230.
They knocked on the door and seconds later the door opened and there stood a exhausted Rory in her bathrobe.

"Hey guys, thanks for coming so early." Rory thanked both Finn and Colin while giving them both a hug.

"No worries Rory, you know we will be here no matter what." Colin told her honestly.

"So how's Logan doing?" Finn asked her.

"He's sleeping for now, he had a rough night." Rory answered him.

They walked into the living room and sat down on the couch. Finn placed the three coffee cups on the table and took out the beagles from the bag.

"What happened last night?" Colin asked her concerned.

"Well I woke up and felt the sheets were soaking wet and when I looked at Logan you could really see the sweat pouring down on him. So I woke him up and you could see the confusion in his eyes. I hate seeing him like this." Rory told him feeling the tears coming rolling down.

Finn placed his hand on her shoulder.
Both Colin and Finn felt like they needed to change the subject.

"Have you called Paris yet?" Colin asked her.

"Yeah, I called but she didn't answer so I left a message." Rory answered him.

Suddenly they heard a noise coming from the bedroom.

"I'm just gonna check on him, I'll be right back." She told Finn and Colin.

Then she stood up from the couch and walked towards the bedroom, she opened the door and walked in. When she entered the room she saw Logan sitting on the floor, covering his face with his hands.

She practically ran over to him and sat down beside him. She removed his hands and saw tears running down his cheeks.

"Logan? What's wrong?" She asked him concerned.

"Everything hurts.. I just want to go back to my old self again.." He told her honestly with tears in his eyes.

"I know you do, but you can't go back to being your old self again." She told him while touching his cheek.

"I guess you're right Ace.." He told her.

"All we can do is focus on you getting better again and becoming a new person." She told him while kissing him.

"Yeah maybe you're right Ace.." He told her still having tears in his eyes.

"Are you up for some breakfast?" She asked him with a smile.

"What are you smiling about?" He asked her.

"Well if we should get you of the floor and out to the living room where I got a surprise."She told him smiling.

She wrapped her arm around his waist and gently pulled him up from the floor, then slowly walked out from the bedroom and in to the living room where both Finn and Colin sat waiting.

As soon as Logan saw the boys sitting in on the couch, a smile appeared on his face. A little surprised that they were there even though he shouldn't be.

Rory gently removed her arm from his waist and let him try to sit down on the couch alone.

"What are you guys doing here?" He asked them.

"Well your lovely girlfriend asked us to come over for breakfast a couple of hours ago."Finn answered him.

"Well I'm glad you're here guys." He told them honestly.

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