The Day After

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A couple of hours later Rory woke up. She gently rolled put from the bed then walked out from the bedroom.
She walked passed the living room where she saw that Logan weren't lying on the couch.

She continued to walk into the kitchen where she saw Logan sitting by the kitchen island, covering his head with his hands.
She walked up behind him, wrapping her arms around his waist.

"Good morning babe, how are you feeling this morning?" She asked him.

"Yeah I'm fine, just a little hungover and I'm exhausted." Logan answered her while spinning around.

"You shouldn't haven't so much to drink, but do you want some coffee?" Rory asked him.

" I know, and yes please Ace." He answered her while dragging his hand through his short hair.

"Coffee is coming right up. Should we wake up the others?" Rory asked him while starting the coffee machine.

"No I don't think so, I just want to be alone with you right now." Logan answered her while standing up, walking over to her then wrapped his arms around her waist and kissed her.

"You're in a good mood." She told him while kissing him back.

"I'm just really thankful for what you did last night, I can't believe you did that." He told her honestly.

"It really was my pleasure, I do anything for you." Rory told him while touching his cheek.

"I'm really lucky to have you in my life Ace." Logan told her.

"And I'm lucky to have you in mine." Rory told him while noticing the coffee was ready.

She got out from Logan's grip then grabbed two coffee mugs from the cupboard. She then poured coffee into the mugs.

"Here you go babe, careful it's hot." Rory warned  him while handing him the coffee cup.

"Thanks Ace." Logan told her while holding the cup.

"So what do you want to do today?" Rory asked him.

"Maybe when the others wake up, we can go have some breakfast at Espresso House?" Logan answered her.

"That sounds great. Btw when are your next doctors appointment?" Rory asked him while taking a sip from her coffee.

"Next Thursday, I think I have to cheek." Logan answered her.

About a 1,5 hour later everybody had woken up, Logan and Rory had recommended that they should have breakfast at Espresso house.

"I'm starving so let's get out of here and get some food." Finn exlaimed.

"Then let's leave, the car is waiting downstairs." Logan told the others while walking towards the door.

They all walked out of the apartment and then towards the elevator. They went down stairs and towards the car.

15 minutes later they stood outside of the coffee house. They walked inside and ordered what they wanted, then sat down at a table and started talking.

"So boys how are you feeling today?" Rory asked Finn and Colin with a smile.

"Terrible... I think we might have had to much to drink last night." Finn answered her while taking a sip from his coffee mug.

"You two have only yourself to blame." Stephanie told Colin while kissing him on his cheek.

"We know Steph." Finn and Colin told her at the same time.

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