The Wedding Day Part 1

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March the 23, just nearly an hour before the wedding.
Rory stood there dressed in her wedding gown with her hands on her stomach. She honestly thought this day would never come. Especially everything she and Logan had been through the past year and a half.
She couldn't help but to think back to that awful day when she came home to find Logan lying on the couch exhausted and that day when he got diagnosed.

Flashback just days after the diagnosis.

"Logan, please look at me.. You will beat this and I'm never leaving you." Rory told him while grabbing his hand.

"You don't know that Rory, no one knows. You shouldn't have to see me this way." Logan told her without looking at her.

"Are you saying I should leave..? Because I'm telling you know that even how much this scares me, I will never leave your side because I love you." Rory told him while kissing his hand.

"I don't deserve you Ace.. You are so good to me. And I'm scared." Logan told her while starting to cry.

"I'm scared too, don't ever say that you don't deserve me because you do as much as I deserve you." Rory told him while standing up from the chair and kissed him on his forehead.

Present day, Rory's dressing room.
As she thought back to that time, she couldn't help the tears that was falling down her cheeks. And in that moment she was glad she had gone with the waterproofed makeup.
She looked at the watch and saw it was now only 45 minutes left until she would be walking down the aisle with her dad and seeing Logan again. And how much she looked forward to becoming Mrs.Huntzberger but most of all becoming Logan's wife.

Suddenly there was a knock on the door, Rory walked towards the door and opened it and there stood no one then Shira Huntzberger.

"Shira, what in the world are you doing here?" Rory asked Shira in shock.

"Actually I came here to apologize for the way that I've treated you since you first came into Logan's life." Shira answered her honestly.

"Why now Shira? Why today of all days did you feel you had to apologize for your behavior?" Rory asked her with annoyance.

"I hadn't planned on it being today but I just felt that I couldn't miss my only sons wedding." Shira answered her.

"Everything you and Mitchum has put both me and Logan through. But mostly all the pressure you've laid on Logan. Do you think all that can just be forgotten?" Rory asked Shira while sliding her gloves on her arms.

"I'm not proud of what I and Mitchum done to Logan and you but I couldn't just sit at home knowing my only son were getting married and I weren't there." Shira answered her with a tear falling down her cheek.

"I will let you be at the service and the reception but you have to promise me that you will make your best to get along with me and Logan. For your grandchild's sake." Rory told her much to Shira's surprise.

"Grandchild? Are you and Logan pregnant?" Shira asked in shock.

"Yes we are. Do you think we at least can try to get along?" Rory answered her.

"We can always try and I can try to be nicer to you considering you soon will be my daughter in law." Shira told her while giving her a hug.

After having talked with Shira for a while, Rory suddenly noticed that the wedding was getting closer and she wondered were her dad were. Suddenly there was another knock on the door.

"Come in." Rory said.

The doors opened and in came Christopher, whom stopped in the doorway. Stunned by how beautiful his little girl looked.

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