Hiring a nurse Part 2

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3 interviews later Rory decided to go check on Logan. She walked into their bedroom and saw that he still were sleeping, she quietly walked up to him and touched his forehead.

"He doesn't feel warm anymore." She thought to herself.

She put the baby monitor that she had bought so that she could here if Logan woke up when she weren't around. She gently kissed him on his forehead, then quietly walked out from the bedroom, gently shutting the door. She walked back to Finn whom were sitting on the couch.

"So how more interviews do we have left?" Finn asked her.

"3 more interviews." She answered him.

"I can't believe that Paris applied for this job, we haven't spoken for so long.. I can't believe we drifted apart after college." She thought to herself.

"You in there love?" Finn asked her trying to get her attention.

"Yeah, I was just thinking why Paris would apply for this position and why we lost contact in the first place." Rory answered him.

"I suppose you both got busy after collage. Her studying to become a nurse and you studying to become a journalist." Finn told her.

"We should get ready, the next interview will be here any minute." She told him avoiding the subject.

Finn just looked wondering on her.

Suddenly they heard a noise coming from the baby monitor suggesting Logan was awake.

"I just have check on Logan, I don't know what's wrong with him. Can you handle this interview alone?" She asked Finn.

"Of course love, you go check on Logan." He told her.

She quickly walked in to the bedroom and saw Logan sitting up leaning his head against the wall, hardly keeping his eyes open.

"Hey there, how your feeling?" She asked him concerned while walking over to the bed.

"Hmm tired Ace." He answered her quietly.

She sat down beside him and grabbed the thermostat, put in his ear then seconds later it piped. It showed 101.6, she sighed relaxed.

"Seems like your fever is down a little." She told him.

"How's the interviews going?" He asked her still with his eyes closed.

"It's going okey, Finn's here helping me." She told him while helping him holding the glass.

"Finn's here?" He asked her a little happier.

"Of course Logan, he wanted to help out with the interviews." She told him.

Meanwhile in the living room.

"Hello, I'm Paris Geller." Paris greeted Finn.

"Hello Ms Geller. I'm Finn Morgan, Ms Gilmore had to take care of Mr Huntzberger. So
I will be doing the interview." Finn greeted her.

"Finn Morgan? You attended Yale with Colin and Logan right?" Paris asked him.

"Yes I did and you were friends with Rory, weren't you?" Finn asked her.

"Yes I was." Paris answered him.

"So here some questions, What did you do after collage?" Finn asked her.

"I graduated from Yale with a masters degree in medicine then went on to nursing school also at Yale. I graduated 1,5 years ago the I started working at a local nursing home." Paris answered him.

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