Night out

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They walked around the campus for a little while before heading towards the bar.

"Are you guys sure it's open? It looks closed." Logan told them wondering.

"Well we'll just have to look closer." Rory told him while walking closer to the entrance.

When they walked closer to the entrance, when suddenly the lights turned on and the door opened and out came a whole gang singing the Yale fight song.

"Ace, what is this??" Logan asked Rory surprised.

"Just a little surprise for you and celebrating your remission." She answered him while giving him a kiss on the mouth.

"You didn't have to do this for me, It's me who should have done something for you.." He told her honestly.

"You surprised Huntz?" Finn asked him while grabbing his shoulders.

"I'm surprised alright, I just thought it would be we tonight. But this is so more fun." Logan answered Finn.

"Well some of the people who are here tonight graduated the same year as all of you." Rory told them.

"Should we head inside?" Rosemary asked them while grabbing Finn's hand.

"Yes we should, the others are probably waiting for us." Colin told them.

"What others?" Logan asked them curiously.

"You'll just have to see." Rory told him while walking inside.

They walked into the bar, where they saw the bar almost filled with people wanting to celebrate Logan's recovery. Rory kept looking for Robert and the others when she finally saw them. She grabbed Logan's arm and dragged him to where Robert and the others sat waiting.

"We're here guys!!" Rory announced to the group.

"Well finally you guys are here." Robert joked.

"Honor!! What are you doing here?" Logan asked his sister surprised.

"Well I wouldn't miss my little brother's remission party." Honor answered Logan while hugging him.

"Hello Josh, how's the kids?" Logan asked his brother in law while shaking his hand.

"The kids are just amazing, missing their favorite uncle." Josh answered him.

"I miss them too, we should get together sometime." Logan told Josh whom nodded in agreement.

They all sat down at the table and started talking with the others. A few minutes later they all started ordering in drinks.

"So how's the wedding planning going?" Stephanie asked Rory while drinking from her drink.

"The planning is actually going great, I really can't believe this is happening. We were thinking of having a Summer wedding but I'm leaning more towards a spring wedding."Rory answered her.

"Aww a Spring wedding, I always knew you two would end up together". Rosemary told Rory while drinking from her glass.

"So Huntz, how are you feeling about the wedding?" Finn asked Logan.

"I really look forward to the wedding, can't wait to have Rory as a wife." Logan answered him honestly.

"You're one lucky guy Huntz." Colin told him while drinking from his glass.

"Don't I know it." Logan told them.

About 2 hours later a light tipsy Logan stood up on a table and clinked his glass, started on his toast.

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