Part 2 A Cancelled Lunch

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When she had gotten Logan out of bed, she wrapped her arm around his waist and gently began walking over to their closet. She gently helped him sit on a chair then she decided to help him pick something out.

"What about this?" She asked him while holding up a beige shirt and dark blue jeans.

"Looks great Ace." He told her honestly.

"Then this is what you're wearing today." She told him while walking over to kiss him.

"What would I do without you Ace?" He asked her.

"I don't know what i would do without you either Logan. Do you think you can change in to this by yourself?" She asked him concerned.

"I think I'll manage that Ace, otherwise I'll just call for you." He told her reassuringly.

She bent down to him and kissed him again.

Then suddenly the doorbell rang and she walked over to open it. When she opened the door, she got surprised by her parents because there stood both Lorelai and Christopher.

"What are you guys doing here?" Rory asked them surprised.

"Well we thought we would surprise you and Logan." Chris told her.

"Where is Logan btw?" Lorelai asked her.

"He'll be ready any moment, he's just changing clothes. The boys are coming over soon." Rory told them.

"I need to call Finn and ask him to bring more food." She thought to herself.

"Aha so bad timing?" Lorelai asked her.

"No mom, stay please! I just have to call Finn and ask him to bring more food." Rory told Lorelai.

"We'll be in the living room, come join us when you've called Finn." Chris told her.

Then both Lorelai and Chris walked into the living room and sat down on the couch, while Rory quickly walked into the bedroom, where she saw Logan still sitting on the chair.

"Everything okey Ace?" He asked her.

"Not really my parents just arrived, their sitting in the living room.. I have to call Finn and ask him to bring more food." She answered him while grabbing her phone.
She dialed Finn's number and just seconds later he answered.

~ "Hello love, what can I do for you?" Finn asked.

~" Well my parents just came and crashed lunch so could you and Colin bring more food?" She asked him.

~ "Sure thing love, we'll bring more food and we will see you guys in 30 minutes tops." Finn told her.

~ "Thanks Finn." She said while thanking him.

~ "No problem Love, happy to do it." Finn told her.

~ "When do you think you guys will be here?" Rory asked him.

~ "In about 35 minutes maybe, I'll text you when we are on our way." Finn told her.

~ "See you soon Finn." Rory told him.

When she had hung up with Finn, she walked out to the living room where Lorelai and Christopher were sitting on the couch.

"So they boys will be here with the food in about 30 minutes." Rory told her parents.

"How's Logan doing kiddo?" Christopher asked her.

"Some days are better then others. He's adjusting." She answered.

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