The boys fittings

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The next day both Logan, Finn and Colin were on their way to Logan's last fitting and the Colin and Finns last best man fittings.

"So you're getting both married and having a baby, how do you feel about it?" Finn asked Logan while checking his phone.

"I feel great about it, I'm really excited about it." Logan answered him.

"Have you guys told your parents yet?" Colin asked Logan.

"We haven't told my parents yet and I don't know if we should tell them. Them not approving of Rory is a big part of us not telling them." Logan answered him.

"But are they coming to the wedding?" Finn asked him.

"Dad is the only one who's said he's coming, mom hasn't even responded yet." Logan answered him while checking his phone.

"I'm not really surprised man, it's your parents dude." Finn told him.

15 minutes later they arrived outside the boutique. They got out of the car and walked into the boutique.

"Hello, I'm Logan Huntzberger, I have an appointment for my last suites fitting and I'm here with my two best mans's." Logan told the receptionist.

"If you'll just sit down in the waiting area, Trina will soon be with you." The receptionist told them.

They walked towards the waiting area, sat down and waited. While they were waiting Logan decided to call Rory. He picked up his phone and dialed Rory's number.

A couple of second later Rory answered the phone.

~ "Hey, how are you"? Logan asked her.

~ "Hey babe, I'm great. How's it going there?" Rory answered him.

~ "It's going great, we're just waiting for the stylist to get here." Logan told her.

~ "Do you want to meet up for lunch with the boys after you're done with your fitting?"Rory asked him.

~ "I'd love too Ace, I'll have to ask the boys though, how about Steph and Rosemary? Will they also join us?" Logan answered her while asking Finn and Colin if they wanted to join for dinner. Which they agreed too after they had checked with their girlfriends.

~ "I really miss you babe, call me when you're done?" Rory told him.

~"I miss you too Ace, I promise I'll call when I'm done." Logan promised.

~ "Give the boys my love and I'll see you in a couple of hours.""Rory told him.

~ "I will Ace and I love you and our little bean." Logan told her while hanging up the phone.

He hung up the phone, then put his focus back on the boys.

"How are Rory?" Finn asked him while putting down his phone.

"She's great, just a little nervous about the wedding and becoming a mom." Logan answered him.

A couple of minutes later the stylist Trina came to the waiting area and greeted the boys. The walked into the closets where Logan was handed his suit then walked into one of the changing room and got changed.

 The walked into the closets where Logan was handed his suit then walked into one of the changing room and got changed

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