Aftermath of second chemo.

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When they reached the apartment door, Rory unlocked the door then went inside. The
sat him down on the couch. Both Finn & Colin kissed Rory on her cheek and told her to call if she needed anything, then they left.

"Logan, baby?" She gently whispered in his ear.

"Ace?" He asked.

"Yes it's me baby. Do you want to get in bed or stay here in the couch?" She asked him.

"I don't mind staying here." He told her still with his eyes closed.

"Okey baby, I'll be right back okey?" She told him.

She walked in to the bedroom and got the bucket for him, she also grabbed a book for herself. She then walked back to the living room and found him asleep.

She sat the bucket close to the couch, she then sat down on the couch and gently covered him with a blanket. An hour later Logan suddenly woke up.

"How are you feeling baby?" She asked him.

"I'm tired ace." He told her tired.

"I know baby, do you want something to drink?" She asked him.

"Sure ace, just some water please?" He answered her.

"Sure baby, I'll be right back baby." She told him while gently getting up from the couch.

She walked out to the kitchen and got a glass of water for Logan. She suddenly heard a noise coming from the living room, she quickly walked back to him.

She saw him vomiting again. She sat down beside him and ran her hand through his hair. She noticed that his hair was starting to fall of, she decided not to tell him, at least not yet.

"Are you okey Logan?" She asked concerned.

"I'm not sure anymore Ace." He told her honestly.

"Let's get you in the bed instead?" She asked him.

"Yeah sure Ace." He answered her.

She gently wrapped her arm around his waist and gently lifted him from the couch and gently started walking to bed. He had his head on her shoulder. When they got there, he had fallen asleep again.

"Baby wake up, let's get you in bed." She softly whispered in his ear.

"Mm.. Ace?" He asked tiredly.

"It's me baby." She whispered softly to him.

She carefully sat him down on the bed, she gently laid him down then covered him with the cover. She went back to the living room and took the bucket, then walked back to Logan. She sat down the bucket beside the bed. She then laid down in bed and gently wrapped her arms around him then she fell asleep.

A few hours later Logan woke up, he saw Rory were asleep and decided not to wake her. He slowly sat up in the bed then he slowly got up. But just as he stood up, he fell down. He didn't have his strength back just yet. Rory was woken up from the sound.

"Omg Logan!! Are you okey?" She asked concerned that he were hurt.

"I'm okey ace, I thought I could stand up and try to walk alone." He told her honestly.

"Why didn't you wake me?" She asked while getting out of bed and walked over to Logan.

"I didn't want to wake you, I thought you needed to sleep Ace." He answered her.

"Come here Logan." She said while sitting down on the floor and reached for his hand.

Logan moved closer to her and laid his head down in her lap. She drew her fingers slowly though his hair.

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