Just being home

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"Do you need help with something?" Finn asked.

"Maybe you guys could get some food? Since I think he will sleep for a while now."Rory answered.

"Sure, what food do you want us to get?" Colin asked.

"Maybe some Chinese food?" Rory answered.

"You got it. We'll be back in 30 minutes tops." Finn told her.

"Thanks guys."Rory told them.

Shortly after the boys left, Rory heard a sound coming from the bedroom. She walked in to the bedroom and saw that Logan was awake and vomiting. She walked over to him and sat down beside him and gently rubbed his back.

"Why didn't you call for me baby?" She asked concerned.

"I just woke up and started vomiting."He told her.

"Aww baby, is there anything I can do for you?"She asked him.

"Maybe some water? Are they guys still here?" He asked her.

"Sure I'll get you some water. No they just left to get something to eat." She told him.

"Aha okey."He said.

"Hang on baby, I'll be right back with some water for you." She told him while quickly drawing her hand through his hair.

She walked out to the kitchen and grabbed some water for Logan, then walked back to the bedroom. When she got there she saw him crying. She quickly walked over to him.

"Baby, what's wrong?"She asked him concerned.

"I'm just tired of this ace.. Me having to depend on you every second of the day. I just want to be myself again. I want to be able to do things on my own." He answered her crying.

"Aww baby, you will get back to you old self soon, you'll just have to be patient. And i don't mind being here for you every second because there is no where else I'd rather be."She told him while kissing him softly on his forehead.

Rory crawled down in the bed beside him and just held him tight and told him everything would be okey. She hated seeing him feeling this way. She wished everything would go back to normal. She felt the tears running down her face.

About an hour later she heard a knock on the bedroom door and Finn quietly opened the door and entered.

"Everything okey love?" He whispered.

"He fell asleep about 20 minutes ago, I found him crying." She answered.

"Do you want to have some food?" He asked.

"Sure, I'll be right there." She answered.

Finn exited the bedroom and walked out to the kitchen. Rory gently unwrapped herself from Logans grip, kissed him softly on his forehead then walked out to the kitchen where Finn and Colin were waiting.

"Is he still sleeping?" Colin asked her.

"Yeah I think he is."Rory answered.

"How are you dealing with all of this love?" Finn asked her.

"I'm not really sure.. I just hate seeing him like this." Rory answered.

"I know you do love, you'll just have to beat this and wait for him to get back to his old self." Finn told her.

"Yeah I guess." Rory answered.

"Is there anything we can do for you two?" Colin asked.

"I don't know what you could do." Rory answered.

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