The Diagnosis

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About 1 hour and 30 minutes later Logan was finished with the tests and he was helped in to a wheelchair and brought to the elevators by a nurse whom where driving him. He still didn't have any strength and he had difficulty to stay awake. He tried to focus on seeing his ace.

When he had woken up, he scanned the room for his ace but she weren't there, he only saw Honor. He started panicking because Rory wasn't there and he didn't remember anything, he didn't understand why he was lying in a hospital bed.

Why was he so tired? Where was ace? Was she hurt? Honor had helped him to relax and she told him where Rory was and that she were okey, she had just gone down to eat something with Colin and Finn. Colin and Finn is here? He thought to himself.

Once in the elevator he just fell together, he had passed out again, the nurse checked his pulse, to make sure he was okey. Then she had pressed the panic button so the elevator stopped at level 5 and the doors had opened and there were more nurses and doctors with a gurney, they all helped lift Logan and lay him on the gurney.

The examined him then on to the elevator again and continued down to level 3 where Rory, Finn, Colin and Honor was waiting for him.

"Do you guys see them?" Rory asked nervously

"Not yet." Finn replied

Then Honor saw them wheeling Logan lying down on a gurney and he was unconscious again.. She just stared crying.

"Honor, what's wrong?" Finn asked worried

She just pointed in Logans direction and Finn just began to stare in Logan direction.

"Finn, what's wrong?" Rory asked worried.

But Finn didn't answer because he was worried about what had happened to Logan.

Rory started to walk up to Finn when suddenly the nurses and Dr.Grey entered the room with

"Oh my god." Rory whispered.

"Rory, are you okey?" Colin asked.

"I'm not going okey, Logan is unconscious again, I actually thought that he were okey." Rory answered still crying.

The nurses lifted Logan into his bed again and then they left. Dr.Grey stayed with Rory and the others to try to explain what had happened.

"He was just finished with the tests and were on his way down here, when he passed out in the elevator." Dr.Grey told them.

"Will he wake up again?" Rory asked crying

"Yes he will, we're expecting him to wake up within a couple of hours." Dr.Grey explained.

"What about the tests? Did you find out what's wrong with him?" Honor asked now crying to.

"Yes, we found out what's wrong with him."Dr.Grey answered

"Well what's wrong with him?" Finn asked wanting to know what was wrong with one of his best friends.

"Logan has cancer more specifically Chronic Myelogenous Leukemia." Dr.Grey said.

Rory broke down right there.

"What? How can that be possible?" Finn asked now crying to.

"Leukemia can be a tricky cancer to treat, but certain forms of it can be almost completely cured." Dr.Grey answered.

"I will be back as soon Logan wakes up to inform more." Dr.Grey told them.

Shortly after Dr.Grey left Rory asked the guys if she could be alone with Logan for a while.
The guys just nodded and the left the room.

After they left Rory got up in Logans bed kissed him on his forehead and then lied there with him until she fell asleep.

A few hours later Rory woke up by something moving beside her, she opened her eyes again and found Logan awake.

"Hey there Ace." Logan corked

"Logan you're awake." Rory exclaimed and started kissing him on the lips.

How will Logan react to the news? How will Rory and Logan deal with it?

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