Hiring a nurse Part 1

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A few days later Rory grabbed her computer and checked her email and saw that at least 20 people were interested of the position as Logan's nurse.

They all had written their phone numbers so that Rory could contact them so that they could setup a interview. There were 6 people applying for the position.

Suddenly she got a text, she picked up her phone and saw it were from Finn.

~ "Hey, love. How's the nurse searching going?" ~ Finn.

"I think is going okey, 6 people have applied for the job." ~ Rory.

~ "How's Logan doing?" ~ Finn.

She looked over at the bed where Logan was still sleeping, but it didn't look very peaceful, it looked like he was having a bad dream.

She decided to text Finn back and then take care of him.

~ "He's sleeping for now but I think he's having a nightmare. Talk to you later?" ~ Rory.

~ "Sure love." ~ Finny.

She walked over to the bed and sat down beside Logan then placed her hand on his forehead. Witch seemed to calm him down.

He feels warm, maybe I should take his temperature. She thought to herself.

She quickly walked into the bathroom and grabbed the thermostat, then walked back to Logan and gently woke him up.

"Baby, wake up." She told him gently.

"Hmm Ace?" He asked her tiredly.

"It's me baby, I need to take your temperature your feel hot." She softly told him.

"Mm, I'm tired Ace." He told her with his eyes closed.

"I know baby." She said while putting the thermostat in his ear and minutes later it piped. 102.3 she read.

"Not again.." She thought to herself.

"Baby, I need to get some Tylenol in you, I have to get your fever down." She told him while touching his cheek.

"Aren't the interviews for hiring a nurse today"? He asked her tiredly.

"Yes but I can cancel, if you're not feeling well." She told him reassuringly.

"No Ace.. We have to hire a nurse, as much as I love for you taking care of me, you have to get back to work again." He told her knowing how she felt about hiring a nurse.

"I love you so much, you know." She told him while leaning down to kiss him.

"And I love you too Ace." He told her.

She grabbed her phone to check when the first appointment was, the first meeting was at 1. Which meant she had 2 hours to get herself and Logan ready. She had so many thoughts in her head, she was against the whole idea of having a nurse, she wanted to be the person whom took care of Logan and no one else.

But she also realized that both she and Logan needed someone professional to take care of Logan. She kissed him and then made her way into the bathroom and started the shower.

Logan didn't feel like staying in bed waiting for Rory. So he decided to slowly make his way out of the bed alone but just seconds after he stood up he lost his balance. He feel down on the floor and screamed surprised.

Rory stood in the shower, thinking to herself when she suddenly heard a noise coming from the bedroom. She quickly shut of the shower and wrapped a towel around her then walked the bedroom.

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