Telling The Others And A Last Fitting

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Rory and Logan was sitting on the couch, Logan with his hand on Rory's stomach and Rory leaning on him. They enjoyed just having a quiet moment to themselves.
Suddenly there was a knock on the apartment door, Rory sighed and got up from the couch and walked towards the door and opened it.

"Hey Love, how are you?" Finn asked her while hugging her.

"I'm great Finny. Hey Rosemary, how are you?" Rory first hugging back Finn then hugging Rosemary.

"I'm great, just wondering why you guys asked all of us here." Rosemary answered her with curiosity.

"You will just have to wait and see." Rory told her while shutting the door and walked back into the living room.

"Hey guys, thanks for coming here so soon." Logan greeted them while first hugging Rosemary and then giving Finn a bro hug.

"Well I were going to come here anyway, I just dragged Finn with me." Rosemary told him.

"So why did you call us here??" Finn asked them once again.

"We just have to wait until the others get here." Logan answered him.

"You guys want something to drink?" Rory asked them.

"Just some Coca Cola for me please love?" Finn answered her.

"I'll have some Coca Cola too Rory." Rosemary told her.

"Of course, you babe?" Rory asked Logan.

"I'll have a Coca Cola too Ace." Logan answered her.

Rory walked into the kitchen and took out four glasses, then poured Coca Cola in them. While she was pouring up the drink, Rosemary joined her in the kitchen.

"Rory? You are glowing, are you and Logan pregnant?" Rosemary asked her curiously.

"Umm, yes and I'm 1,5 months along." Rory answered her.

"OMG RORY!!" Rosemary exlaimed while hugging her.

"Rosemary!! Be quiet, we will tell everyone later and you have too act surprised." Rory told her while smiling.

"I promise to act surprised, I'm so happy for you two." Stephanie told her.

"We should get back into the living room." Rory told her.

They each grabbed two glasses and walked back into the living room where the guys sat on the couch laughing.

"What are you laughing at?" Rory asked them while putting down the glasses on the coffee table.

"Just old times, thanks Ace." Logan answered her while grabbing the glass from the table.

Around 15 minutes later after they had sat down on the couch, there was a knock on the apartment door, Logan got up from the couch and walked to open the door. He opened the door and there stood Colin and Stephanie.

"Hey guys, how are you?" Logan greeted them while giving Colin a bro hug and Stephanie a kiss on her cheek.

"We're okey, just curious about what you guys have to tell us." Stephanie answered him.

"Finn and Rosemary are already here, they are in the living room." Logan told them while walking back towards the living room.

They walked into the living room.

"Hey Ror, how are you?" Stephanie asked Rory while hugging her.

"I'm great, you?" Rory answered her while hugging her back.

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