Second round of chemo

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Three days later

"Are you ready to go baby?" Rory asked him.

"As ready I'll ever be." He answered a bit nervous.

"It's going to be fine. Just think its already your second chemo session."She told him supporting.

"Yeah, it's just that I don't really feel like doing this Ace.." He told her.

"Why not Logan"? She asked concerned.

"I just want to have some strength to be with you.. I don't just want to lay in bed all day and needing to depend on you."He told her honestly.

"But Logan you have to do this chemo sessions so that you can be yourself again. You need to fight this." She told him.

"I know I have to fight this ace. I just want to be my old self." He told her honestly.

"I know you want to be old self again baby." She told him while kissing him on the mouth.

"Let's go Ace." He told her standing up.

"Here baby, hold on to me." She told him while wrapping her arm around his waist.

They made their way out of the apartment and started walking to the elevator.
Rory pressed the elevator button and the doors opened and they got on.
They road down to the lobby and walked outside where Finn and Colin were waiting for them.

"What are you guys doing here?" Logan asked surprised.

"Well Rory called us and suggested we would pick you two up and drive you to and from your chemo session." Colin answered.

Logan looked at Rory and she just smiled.

"Well let's go guys." Finn said while opening the car door.

Finn helped Logan into the car and then they left for the hospital.

About 30 minutes later they had arrived at the hospital, dropped Logan and Rory of at the entrance.

"Logan, please don't walk so fast I don't want you to fall." She told him.

"Sorry Ace, I just want this done so that I can go home again." He told her.

They slowly made their way to the elevators, Rory pressed the button and the elevator doors opened and they stepped in. Logan pressed the level 5 button that was the chemotherapy floor and they went up. When they reached level 5 the elevator stopped and the doors opened, they stepped out.

They walked to the nurses station and signed in, a nurse pointed at the waiting room and they waited until another nurse came and showed them to Logans room.
They got settled and some nurses came and got Logan started on his second chemo session.

Then about two hours later Rory's phone rang.

"Baby I'm gonna take this okey?" She asked

"Sure Ace." He answered.

She walked out from Logans room, she saw it was Finn calling.

~ "Hey love, how's everything going?" He asked.

~"It's going good so far, I just worry for him.." She answered.

~" I know you do, we worry about him too." He told her.

~"I know you do." She told him.

~ "When do you want us to pick you guys up?" He asked.

"Around 3 maybe I think he'll be finished then, but call before just to be sure? She told him.

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