Dinner With Lorelai & Christopher

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The drive from Logan and Rory's apartment to get to Rory's parents took about 45 minutes.
They reached the big mansion and stopped in front of the gate.
Rory's parents had moved there after they gotten married, just three years ago.

Lorelai wasn't really sure about moving from Stars Hollow but when Christopher said they would still keep the house in Stars Hollow, she had agreed to move.
The gate opened and they drove up they way till the house. Frank parked the car just in front of the big entrance, they got out from the car and walked up the stairs then rang the doorbell.
Seconds later the door opened and there stood Lorelai.

"Well finally you're here." Lorelai told them.

"Hello to you too mom." Rory said while hugging her.

"Hello Logan, how are you?" Lorelai asked Logan while giving him a hug.

"I'm alright, thanks for asking Lorelai." Logan thanked her.

"Were is dad and Gigi?" Rory asked Lorelai.

"Your dad is in the kitchen, making some final touches on the food and I really don't know were you're sister is." Lorelai answered her.

They walked inside the house and then into the kitchen.

"Hey kiddo, Logan." Chris greeted them.

"Hey dad, how are you?" Rory asked him while hugging him.

"I'm okey, how about you kiddo?" Chris answered her.

"I'm great, me and Logan got some great news today..." Rory told him smiling.

"What news?" Lorelai asked her curiously.

"We will tell you at later." Logan told them.

"You're not pregnant are you?" Lorelai joked.

"No mom, it's something else and we'll tell you later." Rory told Lorelai.

"Should we sit down in the living room."Chris asked them.

"Sound great Chris." Logan answered him.

"By the way dad, were is Gigi?" Rory asked Chris.

"I think she is upstairs in her room." Chris answered her.

They all walked into the living room and sat down. After they sat down, Logan and Rory looked at each other. They really didn't know how to break the news to Chris & Lorelai.

"Umm you know we had a doctors appointment today and we have some what news." Rory told them.

"Good news we hope." Chris asked them.

"Yes good news dad." Rory answered him.

Logan looked at Rory concerned, then he grabbed her hand and rubbed his thumb on her hand.

"Umm, I'm in somewhat remission.. The tumor has shrunk and I for now only have to have regular check ups at the doctors." Logan told them letting out a breath.

"That's great Logan, we're happy for you." Lorelai told him while standing up giving him a hug.

"Did the doctors say anything else about your cancer treatment?" Chris asked him.

"Dr.Grey said that the chemo had worked better than they thought so the cancer is smaller and I only have some check ups left". Logan answered him.

30 minutes later they all sat down in the dining room.

"So have you two decided on a date for your wedding?" Lorelai asked Rory and Logan.

"We are debating on either a Summer Wedding or a Winter Wedding in December." Rory answered Lorelai.

"That's great, have you told your parents yet Logan?" Christopher asked Logan.

"No not yet, I'm debating on whether I should." Logan answered Chris honestly.

"What's going on with Gigi tonight?" Rory asked them changing the subject of Logan's parents.

"You know teenagers, you used to be one yourself." Chris joked with her.

"Very funny dad." Rory told him.

"Have you told your grandparents yet Rory?" Lorelai asked her.

"I haven't had the time yet, I will do it later." Rory answered her.

"You know your grandmother will want to write an ad about your engagement." Lorelai told her.

"I know, I'm going to tell her soon." Rory told her sighing.

30 minutes later they cleared the table and sat down in the living room.

"Do you guys want some coffee?" Chris asked them.

"Seriously dad? Stupid question." Rory replied sarcastically.

Chris walked into the kitchen and put on a pot of coffee, Rory soon joined him in the kitchen.

"You need any help dad?" She asked him.

"Yes, you can take out 4 cups, btw how are you doing with all this?" Chris asked her.

"I'm actually doing okey, It actually feels like this is going in the right direction." Rory answered him honestly.

"That's great kiddo, how do you feel about telling Logan's parents?" Chris asked her.

"I would be happy just dragging it out, just not telling them.." Rory answered him honestly.

"Well to be honest they haven't really ever liked you." Chris told her honestly.

Meanwhile in the living room.

"So you're dragging out on telling your parents?" Lorelai asked him.

"As much as I can, I know they will react badly. They have never liked Rory." Logan answered her honestly.

"Yeah I know, to be honest I don't like your parents either." Lorelai told him honestly.

"Well I don't like them either, all they have put me and Rory thought. All the pressure
I've been put under all these years." Logan said.

"I never thought you two would make it out together from Collage neither less get engaged." Lorelai told him honestly.

"I never thought that either, but I could never be happier. I don't actually I would have made it through these past few months without Rory." Logan told Lorelai honestly.

"Here comes coffee and dessert." Rory told them walking in with the tray.

"Thanks Ace." Logan told her while standing up and helping her.

"So what's new in Stars Hollow mom?" Rory asked Lorelai while taking a sip of her coffee.

"You know the same, Babette and Patty gossiping as always, Taylor is trying to build something new, Sookie is 6 months pregnant now with her third child, Michel being himself." Lorelai answered her.

"Same old Stars Hollow." Rory laughed.

3 hours later Rory and Logan decided on calling it a night and go home.

"Goodbye mom, dad, I'll call you tomorrow mom." Rory told them while hugging them both.

"Thanks for tonight Lorelai, Christopher." Logan thanked them.

"Glad you both could come tonight, take care of yourselfs." Lorelai told them.

Rory and Logan walked outside and into the car. 45 minutes later they arrived outside their apartment entrance.

When will Logan & Rory tell his parents? And when will Rory tell her grandparents? How will the night out with the gang go at their old Collage bar?

Thanks guys for reading my chapters😘

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