Still at the hospital

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About an hour later Dr.Grey entered the room and saw Logan was still sleeping so she decided to talk with Rory instead.

"We have his test results, do you want to go through them with Logan or just us two?" Dr.Grey asked her.

"I think just me and you since he's sleeping and needs his rest." Rory answered Dr.Grey.

"We have established that the chemotherapy hasn't been as successful as we hoped, we need to strengthen his dose. And as the unconsciousness it were some sort of a symptom of the chemo." Dr.Grey told her.

"Wouldn't that do him lose more of his strength?" Rory asked Dr.Grey concerned.

"Well yes, but it could give him a bigger chance to get better." Dr.Grey told her.

"But he can come home today?" She asked Dr.Grey.

"Hopefully we'll need to have him have one chemo session before he gets to go home, we need to see how he reacts to the strengthening of his dose." Dr.Grey told her.

"I'll talk to him when he wakes up and then have someone paige you?" She asked Dr.Grey.

As soon as Dr.Grey had left Rory almost feel down on the floor but Colin managed to catch her before she did.

"You okey love?" Finn asked her concerned.

"I... can't believe it.. How will I ever manage this? My work at the paper? His business? He won't have any strength left.." She said out loud almost panicking.

"We will help you as much as we can Rory. But maybe you should consider hiring a part time-nurse to help him when you have to work?" Colin told her.

"We can even pay for the nurse love. I know you might not want to but me and Colin would love to help you two." Finn told her.

"I couldn't ask you guys to do that.." Rory told them feeling guilty.

"You're not asking us to do anything we're volunteering. We want to help you two as much as we can Rory." Colin told her.

"But won't he feel like I'm abandoning him.. By hiring a part time nurse?" She asked them worried.

"I would never feel that Ace.." Logan told her tiredly.

"You're awake Logan.." She said to him trying to sound happy, but she wished he hadn't heard.

"Hey, tell me what's wrong Ace." He begged her.

She just stood there like she were frozen to the floor, Finn knew he'd have to tell Logan instead of Rory.

"Well Dr.Grey were in here while you were sleeping and told us the test results, the chemo hasn't been as successful as they had hoped.. So they need to strengthen the dose. So me and Colin suggested that maybe you and Rory should consider hiring a part time nurse so that Rory could go back to work and still be your part time caregiver."Finn told him honestly.

Logan just sat there looking straight in to the air not saying a word. Rory looked at the boys and nodded and then they left. Rory walked up to Logan's bed and sat down beside him and laid her had on his cheek.

"Why haven't the chemo been successful..? An ever stronger dose now..? How will Ace ever manage..? I would even less strength then now.." He thought to himself.

"Logan? You okey?" He heard her asking him.

"I'm not sure.. I'm sorry ace for everything that has happened these past few months."He told her.

"Hey, nothing of this is your fault, you hear me? You didn't make yourself sick." She told him while grabbing his hand.

"Maybe we should consider hiring a part time nurse Ace?" He asked her.

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