Their First Anniversary

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A year had now passed since Logan and Rory had gotten married. A few months after the wedding Rory had given birth to a beautiful little baby. The morning of their first anniversary Rory woke up to the sound of their little baby crying. She looked over to Logan's side of the bed and noticed he wasn't there.

She got up from the bed and grabbed her robe, she then walked out from the bedroom and into the next room that was the nursery. She walked into the nursery and noticed that Logan sat there in the rocking chair, holding their baby.

You look like a natural. Rory told him while kissing him on the mouth and then kissed her little baby.

Flashback to their second doctors appointment.

"Your baby looks great, do you want to find out the gender?" The doctor had asked them.

"Yes we have decided on that we want to know." Logan answered the doctor while grabbing Rory's hand.

"Well it looks like your having a baby boy." The doctor announced.

Rory looked over at Logan whom were now crying. He couldn't believe it, they were having a baby boy.

"Babe? You okey?" Rory asked him with tears in her eyes.

"I'm just stunned. We're having a boy!!" Logan answered her while kissing her on her mouth then he kissed her stomach.

Flashback to the delivery of their baby boy.

"You can scream how much you will because it's your right." Logan coached Rory whom lied in the bed screaming.

"I just want this to be over with, I want to hold my baby." Rory screamed.

"Okay, Rory just two more pushes and your baby will be here." The doctor told her.

"Come on Ace, you can do this!!" Logan told her.

Rory pushed two more pushes and suddenly they could hear their newly arrived baby boys cries. Logan let go of Rory's hand and walked over to cut the umbilical cord. Shortly after Logan walked back over to Rory, holding his little son.

He laid down the baby into Rory's arms.

"You did it Ace, I'm so proud of you." Logan told her while kissing her.

"What should we name him?" Rory asked Logan while kissing her little boy.

"I think we should name him Richard after your grandpa." Logan told her.

"I wish he would have lived to meet his great grandson." Rory told him with sadness.

"Me too Ace, but at least we will be honoring his memory by naming his grandson after him." Logan told her while kissing her on her head.

"I think we should name him Richard Logan Huntzberger." Rory told him while admiring her son.

Back to present day.

Logan walked out from the nursery, holding little Richard in his arms. Rory sat in their home office and typed on her laptop.

"Someone wants his mommy." Logan told her while handing of a screaming Richard to her.

"Can you grab some water from the kitchen? I need something to drink." Rory asked him while starting soothing little Richard.

"Sure Ace, anything else I should grab?" Logan answered her.

"Yeah, Richard's cup." Rory told him.

Logan walked out from the office and downstairs to the kitchen. He returned up a few minutes later with Richard's cup and some water for Rory.

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