Logans view

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When I think back at everything me and Ace have gone through, we have always been here for each other. My Costa Rica accident, how she showed up at the hospital even after our fight. Our breakup or what I thought were a breakup. When my father told her she didn't have what it took to be a reporter. When we cut of our no strings attached relationship and became girlfriend and boyfriend.

When Lorelai and she had their fight.
We have always loved each other and I don't know what I would do without her.
She means everything to me. I have had feelings from that day I saw her and Marty on campus.

I can't believe how strong and supportive she have been these last few months.
When she said she didn't want to continue our no strings attached relationship, I knew I weren't ready for boyfriend & girlfriend relationship but I didn't want to lose her. So I decided commit to her. I just couldn't lose her.
That was the best day of my life becoming my Aces boyfriend.

I'm not used to lean on someone so much like I have done on Ace.
I have never felt like this before until I meet her. Rory Gilmore completely changed my life for the better. We have there for each other through the good and the bad. I know I have to beat this cancer because I want to spend my life with her. He thought to himself.

This is just a short view from Logans side of their relationship.
Will he propose to Rory?

Hope you like this 😊❤
And you'll be happy to know that I'm almost finished with a new chapter!!

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