Dealing with everything & Gettin back to a somewhat normal.

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Monday morning.

Rory woke up by the sound of her alarm clock, she turned over to Logan's side. She noticed that he had his back turned against her. So she gently kissed him on his neck then got out of bed and walked over to the other side of the bed.
When she had walked around the bed, she saw that Logan weren't sleeping and that he had tears running down his cheeks.

"Logan? What's wrong?" She asked him concerned.

He didn't want to answer her because he knew he would start crying even more.
She sat down beside him on the bed and started rubbing his back in small circles.

"Logan, please tell me what's wrong, you're scaring me." She told him honestly.

"I'm just being selfish that's all.." He told her now sobbing.

"No, you are not being selfish and why would you even say that?" She asked him concerned.

"Because I don't want you to get back to work and leave me here.." He told her honestly.

"Hey, I don't want to leave you here and you know it. I just can't be away more from work, and no matter what it is I'm just a phone call away." She told him comforting.

"I'm sorry for everything I've put you through these past few months.." He told her crying.

"Logan,this is not your fault and you know it. Both Finn and Colin offered to hang out here at the apartment the first few days." She told him while kissing him on his cheek.

"I don't deserve you Ace.." He told her still crying.

"Hush you, believe me when I say that you deserve me and I deserve you. I didn't know what I would do without you Logan." She told him honestly.

She looked at the watch and saw it were 07.00, which meant that Paris would be here in 1,5 hour.

"Baby, do you think you can stay in bed and watch some tv, while I take a shower?" She asked him concerned.

He just looked at her and nodded, she could still see the tears coming down his cheeks. She wiped away his tears with her thumb and gave him a kiss on his forehead.
She walked into the bathroom and started the shower then removed her clothes and got in.

After 20 minutes she decided to get out and get dressed. She wrapped the towel around her then walked into the bedroom again.
When she entered the room again she saw Logan was still sitting up in bed and watching the tv. She walked over to the bed and sat down beside him and grabbed his hand.

"Logan, are you okey?" She asked him concerned.

"I'm sorry for earlier Ace.. For panicking like that." He told her with tears coming down on his face.

"Hey, it's okey Logan, you're not the only one being nerves about this. Believe me I wish I could just stay home with you, but I can't." She told him honestly.

She took her thumb and wiped away his tears, then kissed him softly on the lips.

"We better get ready because both Finn and Colin will be here soon, and so will Paris." She told him while standing up from the bed.

"Yeah I guess so, you get ready first and then I will get ready too." He told her with a hint of sadness in his voice.

"No, I'm helping you pick out an outfit first and then I'll get changed." Rory told him.

"Ace.. You don't have to put me first all the time.." He told her.

"I don't do that all the time, I care so much about you that's why I'm putting you first." She told him while kissing him on his cheek.

30 minutes later.

"Are you almost ready Logan? Do you need help?" Rory called into the bedroom.

"Yeah, I'm ready Ace, and no I don't need any help, I'll be fine." He told her honestly.

She walked into the bedroom and saw Logan sitting on the bed and he actually looked a little better.

"How are you feeling?" She asked him while sitting down beside him on the bed.

"A little better Ace." He answered her.

"Should we get some breakfast before Paris and the boys get here? Or should we wait?" She asked him.

Before Logan could answer her, Rory got a text message on her phone. She got up from the bed and answered her phone.

~ "Hey Love, do you want us to pick up some breakfast on the way?" ~ Finn.

~ "Hey Finny, that would be great :)" ~ Rory.

~ "Some croissants and coffee and some tea for Huntz?" ~Finn.

~ "That would be great Finn." ~ Rory.

~ "See you in about 25 minutes then :)" ~Finn.

Rory laid down her phone again and looked at Logan again.

"The boys will be over soon with some breakfast." Rory told him.

"Then maybe we should get out to the kitchen instead?" He asked her.

"Yeah you're right and I guess Paris will be here soon too." Rory told him while standing up from the bed to help Logan, but he waived his arms in protest.

"Ace, let me try getting up and into the kitchen on my own, please?" He asked her.

"You sure you can manage on your own??" She asked him concerned.

"I have to try on myself sometime Ace." He told him reassuringly.

"Okey, but I will walk behind you okey?" She told him concerned.

Logan gently rose slowly up from the bed, but just by standing up made him dizzy, witch Rory noticed. She quickly wrapped her arm around his waist.

"You okey Logan?" She asked him concerned.

"Yeah, just got a little dizzy, nothing to worry about Ace. "He told her reassuringly.

"Maybe I should help you instead?" She asked him.

"No please Ace, I'll manage okey?" He told her.

He gently walked towards the door and then made his way into the kitchen on his own. When he entered the kitchen, he sat down exhausted on one of the kitchen chairs.
Just as he sat down the doorbell rang and Rory walked towards the door and opened and were greeted by Finn and Colin.

"Hello there love." Finn said while hugging her.

"Hey Finn, Colin. How are you guys?" She asked them while hugging them both.

"We're good reportergirl, how is Huntz?" Colin asked her while also giving her a hug.

"He's actually okey for once, he actually walked into the kitchen on his own." Rory answered him.

"Well let's go into the kitchen and say hi to Huntz." Finn told them while walking towards the kitchen. Colin and Rory walked after him into the kitchen.

When they walked into the kitchen they could see Logan sitting by the kitchen island, supporting his head with his hand.

"Babe, look who's here." Rory told her while placing her hands on his shoulders. Logan spinned around and smiled when he saw the boys standing there.

"Well here we are again." Finn said laughing.

"Can't stay away can you?" Logan told them laughing.

"How are you feeling Huntz?" Colin asked him.

"Tired and exhausted." Logan answered him.

"Well let's have some breakfast." Rory told them while grabbing some cups.

They all sat down by the island and started talking about old times.
About Yale, the first time they all meet.

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