First Good News In Months

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When they were almost inside the hospital, Logan suddenly stopped.

"What's wrong?" Rory asked him concerned.

"I'm just scared Rory.. Maybe they have bad news for me.." Logan answered her honestly.

"And if it is bad news then we will deal with it together." She told him while grabbing his hand.

"I'm glad I have you Ace." He told her honestly while kissing her on her lips.

They continued to walk inside the hospital, they walked towards the administration desk and signed in. They were then showed to a waiting room, were they then waited for Dr.Grey.

They waited for 15 minutes and then Dr.Grey came.

"Hello Logan, Rory." Dr.Grey greeted them.

"Hello Dr.Grey." Rory greeted Dr.Grey.

"How are you feeling Logan?" Dr.Grey asked Logan.

"I'm actually feeling pretty good." He answered Dr.Grey.

"Shall we walk to my office?"Dr.Grey asked them.

"Yes sure, we better just get done with this.." Logan answered Dr.Grey.

They walked out from the waiting room and towards Dr.Grey's office.
They entered Dr.Grey's office and sat down on the chairs.

"Logan and Rory, I've good news for you." Dr.Grey told them.

"Good news?" Rory asked Dr.Grey with concern.

"Well the chemo have been successfully, you are in partial remission means the cancer  is still there, but your tumor has gotten smaller or in cancers like leukemia you have less cancer throughout your body. Partial remission means you can take a break from treatment cancer as long as the cancer doesn't begin to grow again." Dr.Grey explained to them.

Logan grabbed Rory's hand even tighter and tears began to run down his face.

"So what you're saying is that I'm practically cured..?" Logan asked Dr.Grey.

"The tumor is smaller, you just have to come in for check ups every 2 weeks. And if things don't go well we have to continue with the chemotherapy." Dr.Grey answered him.

20 minutes later, Logan and Rory walked out from Dr.Grey's office and downstairs to were Frank were waiting with the car. As soon as they had gotten into the car, Rory pulled out her phone and called her mom.

~ "Hey kiddo." Lorelai answered the phone.

~ "Hey mom, the offer for dinner still stands today?" Rory asked.

~ "Sure, is Logan up for it?" Lorelai asked.

~ "Yes, I'm sure." Rory answered.

~ "So we will see you two around 17.30?" Lorelai asked.

~ "That will be great mom." Rory answered.

She hung up the phone and looked at Logan, who just looked out the window.

"You okey Logan?" She asked him.

"Yeah, I just can't believe I'm actually in remission.." He answered her.

"Neither can I, btw are you still up for dinner with my parents tonight?" She asked him.

"Of course Ace, we need to get out of the apartment and it would be great to see your parents and Gigi." He answered her while kissing her on the lips.

"We just need to go home and change then we'll be at my parents around 17.30." She told him.

"I was thinking that we could call the gang later and invite them to lunch tomorrow? So we can tell them?" Logan asked her.

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