A tough night

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An hour later Rory looked at Logan and saw that he was enjoying the sun going down.
This is the first time in months that we've done this. She thought to herself.

"So we have decided to hire Paris then Ace?" Logan asked her while interrupting her thoughts.

"Yes, I really think this is the right thing to do and it's an excuse to make up some lost time with Paris." Rory answered him.

"What do you think Finn?" Logan asked Finn.

"It's not really up to me but I think you should hire her, like I said she is the most qualified person." Finn answered him.

"Then it's decided, we'll hire Paris, I'll call her tomorrow." Rory told them.

About 30 minutes later both Rory and Finn could see that Logan hardly could keep his eyes opened, they exchanged looks and nodded.

"Baby, we should get you in bed, you look exhausted." Rory told Logan while standing up from the chair.

"And I should get going, but I'll see you in a day or two." Finn told them while also standing up.

"Thank you so much for your help today man, really appreciate it." Logan told Finn while attempting to stand up to give his best friend a bro hug.

He didn't manage to stand up for long until he could feel his legs betraying him once again, luckily for Logan, Rory saw what was about to happen and quickly wrapped her arm around his waist and held him firmly.

Finn walked over and gave Rory a kiss on the cheek and grabbed gave Logan a bro hug and told him that he would call him in the morning, then he said goodbye and showed himself out.

Rory and Logan slowly made their way to the bathroom because Logan had to use the bathroom. Later when he were finished, Rory yet again wrapped her arm around his waist and they slowly began making their way to the bed.

She slowly helped him sit on the bedside, then Logan laid back comfortable in bed and minutes later he fell asleep. Rory got undressed and then walked around to her side of the bed and grabbed her book then she laid down beside Logan and started reading.

"Maybe hiring Paris isn't such a good idea after all.. All this time.. But Logan seems okey with it after all.." Rory thought to herself.

After a while of reading Rory decided to lay down her book.

She just laid there looking at Logan and thought about everything they had been through these past few months, nothing had been the same since he got sick.
She thought back to their collage time, on everything they had been through and all of the things they did.

Ever since that first day that she meet Logan Huntzberger she knew they had something special.

Early morning.

Rory was woken up by Logan tossing and turning, she saw he was drenched in sweat and so was the sheets. She gently shook him awake.

He woke up looking disoriented for a few seconds before seeing that he was drenched in sweat.

"Oh.. I'm sorry ace.."He told her ashamed when he saw the sheets were soaked of sweat.

"It's okey baby, it's not your fault." She told him while touching his cheek.

"Damn cancer.. I hate this Ace.." He told her.

"I know Logan, now let me help you into the bathroom and you can relax while I'll change the sheets." She told him.

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