Part 3 Another Hospital Visit..

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Why are you doing this to me again..? You were finally doing better.. She thought to herself.

She was interrupted by Lorelai's touch on her shoulder.

"Kid are you okey?" Lorelai asked her concerned.

"I'm not sure mom.. He were finally doing better and then this happens." She answered.

"Do you need me and dad to stay?" Lorelai asked her.

"Only if you want to, I've got the boys otherwise." She answered Lorelai.

"We were just thinking of Gigi and the Inn. We'll be back as soon as we can okey kid?" Lorelai asked her while feeling guilty.

"Mom, I'll be fine, Finn and Colin will stay here. Right guys?" She told them.

"Of course love, we wouldn't be anywhere else there right here." Both Finn and Colin told her.

"Call us as soon as you get any updates okey kiddo?" Chris told her while giving her a hug.

"I will dad, have a safe drive back to Stars Hollow." Rory told them.

As soon as her parents had left Rory went right back to sitting beside Logan.

"Love? Would you like some coffee?" Finn asked her.

"Yeah, and maybe a sandwich to?" She answered him.

"Of course Love, Colin can stay here with you while I go down to the cafeteria and get us some coffee and some sandwiches." Finn told her.

"Thanks guys for being here." Rory told them thankfully.

"No worries Rory, we wouldn't be anywhere else there here you know that." Colin told her.

Finn went down to the cafeteria and Colin stayed back with Rory in Logan's room.

"I just don't get it.. He was finally doing a little better." She told Colin while shining.

"He will do better again and he will wake up soon Rory." Colin told her.

"Do  you really think so? I just don't know what to think anymore." She told him with tears in her eyes.

"I know so Rory, he has been through so much, you both have." Colin told her.

Suddenly Finn walked through the the door with both coffee and sandwiches.

"I come bearing food and beverages." Finn exlamed quietly.

"Finally!! Thanks Finny." Rory thanked him.

"I see our boy hasn't woken up yet." Finn told them disappointed.

"No he hasn't.. I'm really concerned about him." Rory told them.

Suddenly she felt Logan shifting slightly.

"Baby? Can you hear me?" She asked Logan with a slightly climbs of hope.

"Hmm? Ace?" He asked confused still with his eyes closed.

"I'm here baby." She answered him comforting.

"We'll go to the nurses station to get Dr.Grey and Dr.Avery paeiged." Finn told her while both him and Colin were on their way out.

"Where am I Ace?" Logan asked her with panic in his voice.

"You're in the hospital Logan, you have been unconscious for almost 5 hours. You really scared me baby." She told him while rubbing her hand on his cheek.

"I'm sorry for scaring you Ace." He told her.

"It's not your fault, I shouldn't have left you alone to get dressed on your own.." She told him with tears in her eyes.

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