Still at the hospital

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Shortly after Finn went to find Dr.Grey find out anything new, a message came over intercome announcing that Dr.Grey wanted Rory and company to come to the nurses station at level 3. They started walking to the elevators when Finn came running up to them.
"There you guys are!!"He exclaimed

"You just made it, we're on our way up to the nurses station at level 3, Dr.Grey wanted to talk to us." Rory replied.

"Yeah, she sent me to find you, she wanted to talk to all of us." Finn told them.
Honor had punched the elevator button and in just seconds the elevator door opened and they got in. Pressing the level 3 button and went up.

"I wonder what news Dr.Grey have about Logan." Rory said wondering.

When they reached level 3, the doors once once again and they got out. They started walking towards the nurses station. They saw Dr.Grey and another doctor standing beside Dr.Grey.

"Rory, this is my colleague Dr.Avery, he has been helping me with Logans case." Dr.Grey told Rory

"Nice to meet you, I'm Rory Gilmore and this is my mother Lorelai Gilmore, Finn Morgan, Colin Macallester and Logans sister Honor Huntzberger." Rory Told Dr.Avery

"Nice to meet you too, under the circumstances." Dr.Avery told them.

"So Rory, Logan hasn't woken up yet, but we have been running different kinds of tests on him, we're still waiting for the results to come back." Dr.Grey told Rory.

"Okey.. What kinds of tests have you been running on him?" Rory asked feeling the tears coming running again.

"We have been running all sorts of tests to be able to eliminate all possible things." Dr.Grey answered

"So what happens now?" Honor asked

"Now, we'll wait until he wakes up and then we will see the damage he has suffered." Dr.Avery answered.

"Can I see him?" Rory asked

"Yes, sure this way." Dr.Grey answered

Rory and Dr.Grey walked to Logans room. When they entered his room, Rory walked over to his bed. She kissed him on his forehead.

"He is so still.. He has never been this still, not even when he sleeps." She thought

She took one of Logans hands and held it in hers. Then she took her free hand and drew it through his hair. God she missed him already.

"Dr.Grey, when do you think he'll wake up?" Rory asked.

"I honestly don't know Rory, maybe in the next couple of hours, if we're lucky." Dr.Grey answered.

"Oh okey." Rory said

"I'll be back as soon I have some new news okey?" Dr.Grey asked

"Thank you Dr.Grey." Rory said.
After Dr.Grey left Logans room, Rory pulled up a chair next to Logans bed.

"Baby please wake up."Rory cried

No response...

"I'm so worried about you Logan.. I need you, I love you so much and I hate seeing you like this." She cried even harder now.

Just minutes later Colin and Finn came walking in.

"Love, how are you holding up?" Finn asked worried.

"I'm not holding up anymore.." She replied crying.

"Rory, everything will be okey." Colin said reassuring.

You guys are amazing!! Thanks for reading.

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