Fantastic News

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Six months later, March the 23, one week before the wedding.

Logan and Rory had been planning their wedding for the last couple of months, they were putting the last details before the wedding when they get some unsuspecting news.

"You okey Ace? You seem distant." Logan asked Rory while walking over to her and wrapping his arms around her.

"I'm okey, I went to the doctor yesterday." Rory answered him.

"What? Are you okey??" Logan asked her panicked.

"Hey, I'm okey nothing's wrong." Rory answered him while placing her hands around neck.

"Then why did you go to the doctor's yesterday?" Logan asked her still with panic in his voice.

Rory unleashed herself from Logan's grip and walked over to her purse and grabbed something. After she had grabbed what she was looking for, she walked back into the kitchen where Logan stood still puzzled about why she had gone to the doctors. Rory walked towards Logan with something behind her back.

"Umm, I hadn't been feeling well for a couple of days so I decided to see a doctor and the doctor discovered that I'm 1,5 months pregnant." Rory told him while taking the picture she had behind her back.

"Is this..?" Logan asked her while looking at her with tears in his eyes.

"It's our little bean. We're have an appointment in a couple of weeks if want to find out the gender of our little bean." Rory answered him while placing her hands on her stomach.

"I love you both so much." Logan told her while getting down on his knees and kissed Rory's stomach.

"We love you too daddy." Rory told him while kissing him on the head.

"Is it too early to tell people?" Logan asked her while standing up from the floor.

"I don't think it's too early but we should wait until the wedding to tell people, I think is a perfect way to start our marriage." Rory answered him while kissing him on the mouth.

"That seems like a perfect idea Ace." Logan told her.

"By the way have you heard anything from you parents about the wedding? Are they coming or not?" Rory asked him while hoping they wouldn't come.

"I heard from dad and he said that he is coming but mom isn't coming." Logan answered her honestly.

"That's just typical Shira.. She can't even come I her only son's wedding." Rory sighed.

"I know but since mom isn't coming maybe that can mean less drama between the our families." Logan told her while placing his hands on Rory's stomach.

"We can always hope that it will be less drama." Rory told him honestly.

Suddenly Rory's phone beeped, she walked towards the kitchen island, she saw it was Stephanie messaging her.

~ "I'm just wondering when we're going to your last dress fitting?" - Steph.

~"The last appointment is today at 14.00, should we meet there or at my place?"-Rory.

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