The Wedding Day Part 2.

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They had just sat down at the table to begin with the appetizers, when suddenly Finn cleared his throat and began one of his many toasts that day.

"Logan, man where should I start? We were just kids when we first meet and I've seen your personality grow, to be honest you were a little bit spoiled before you meet this lovely wife of yours. But ever since you meet reporter girl here you have changed so very much in a good way of course. You and Rory are perfect for each other. To Rory and Logan." Finn ended his toast while also raising his glass with the rest of the room whom also toasted to them.

After Finn's toast they continued eating the appetizers. Just shortly after Finn's toast Lorelei decided to give her toast.

"The first time that Rory introduced me to Logan was her second year of collage and it's no secret that I didn't really approve of Logan, since I thought of him as a player. But then I saw how Rory felt about him and I saw how good they were together. And as time went by I slowly started to like Logan. But it's true that I have been hesitant to Logan and Rory's relationship. But seeing how this last year and a half I've seen how much they've grown together." Lorelei said while raising her glass.

Rory looked at her mom, smiled and mouthed I love you.

After about two hours later it was time for the first dance.

And now introducing for the first time Mr & Mrs. Huntzberger. Finn announced to the guests.

Mrs.Huntzberger may I this have this dance? Logan asked Rory while reattaching for her hand.

Yes you may Mr.Huntzberger. Rory answered him while grabbing his hand.

They walked onto the dance floor and drew closer to each other. As the song How does a moment last forever by Céline Dion started to play, Logan and Rory started to dance.

So how do you feel Mrs Huntzberger? Logan asked her while kissing her.

I feel amazing, I didn't think this day would happen. Rory answered him honestly.

Neither did I but to be honest I couldn't have made it this far without you. Logan told her.

Me and our little bean loves you. Rory told him while kissing him.

After Rory and Logan had danced together for the first time as married it was time for the father and daughter dance. Christopher walked out onto the dance floor and grabbed Rory's hand. The song God gave me you by Blake Shelton started to play and Christopher and Rory began to dance.

Suddenly Logan asked Lorelei if she wanted to dance and she said yes. Logan and Looked made their way onto the dance floor and began to dance. After a while they were joined by Finn and Stephanie, Colin and Rosemary, Richard and Emily even Logan's parents joined the dance floor. After a few hours it was time to cut the cake.

Logan & Rory grabbed the knife together and began cutting the cake

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Logan & Rory grabbed the knife together and began cutting the cake. Once all were seated again it was time for Christopher's speech. He grabbed his glass and stood up.

"Rory, kiddo. I'm so happy for the both of you. I'm sorry for all those years I was so distant from you and your moms life's but we both know why. Nothing I do can make up for all those moments I missed. But you know I always loved you, after everything changed with your mom and I. I have tried to be more involved in your life. Welcome to the family Logan and you take care of her now." Christopher ended his speech.

Now Rory was crying again, she stood up from the chair and walked over to her dad and hugged him, she whispered I love you dad. That made Christopher cry too. After a while Rory walked back to her seat and grabbed Logan's hand.

Now it was Stephanie and Rosemary's turn to give a speech.
So we're finally here after all these years, the two of you have finally tied the knot. Rosemary began.

"I'll never forget the first Life & Death Brigade advent that Rory attended, she walked around there the first night with her notepad and pen, she was asking a bunch of questions but of course nobody answered because she wasn't one of us and they weren't allowed to say the letter E. Or as Colin had put it "said gap twixt D and F". Stephanie continued.

"Rory was the newbie to our little group, we went through Rory's community service, Logan's accident with Finn and Colin, Logan's cancer, our collage graduation and of course many more of our adventures. "Rosemary continued.

"We should mention the reaction we had when Logan told us that he had a girlfriend, we thought no way not Logan Huntzberger the notations player. The guy whom had a list of girls he would date and in what order. And we of course thought it would never work but god we were wrong about them." Stephanie said. 

"Congratulations to you both. " Both Rosemary and Stephanie exlaimed together.

After a while it was time for Logan and Rory to leave for their honeymoon.

"Bye Mom and Dad, I'll call you as soon as we get there. Where ever we're going." Rory told her parents while hugging them both.

"Congratulations once again Rory and Logan." Richard told them while hugging Rory and shaking Logan's hand.

After they had said goodbye to everyone, they got inside the limousine and went to the airport where their plane was waiting. The got out from the car and walked straight towards the plane. Once they were inside the plane Logan took out two sparkling water for them to toast with.

"To you Ace and to our baby. I owe my life to you, for all those months of you taking care of me and being there for me." Logan told her while kissing her on her mouth and placing his hands on her stomach.

"We love you so much Logan." Rory told him while drawing her hand through his hair.

"We should be taking of soon, we should sit down." Logan told her while sitting down and Rory slowly following him.

After a few hours they had finally reached their destination Paris, France.

"Ace, wake up. We're here." Logan told her while kissing her on her forehead.

"Hmm? How long was I out for?" Rory asked him while sitting up from the bed.

"Not long, almost 1,5 hours." Logan answered her.

"So Mr Huntzberger, will you tell me where we are?" Rory asked him.

"Well we're in the city of love." Logan answered her.

"PARIS??" Rory asked him while starting to jump.

"Yes Paris." Logan answered her while laughing.

They grabbed their luggage and walked of the plane, holding each other's hand's. Finally Husband and Wife and of course with a baby on its way.

Songs used.

Next chapter will be a time jump, continuing a year after the wedding. Rory and Logan celebrating their first anniversary.
The chapter will feature a couple of flash backs a specially finding out the gender of their little bean.

Please comment both suggestions for girl and boy names😊 Need inspiration.

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