Dealing With The News.

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How will Logan react to the news? 

"How long was I out for?" Logan whispered.

"The first time you were out for a little like 2 days, and this last time a couple of hours." Rory replied.

"Oh.." Logan whispered.

"Baby I was so scared, scared I was going to lose you." Rory said crying.

"Aww ace you're never going to get rid of me." Logan said wiping away her tears.

"I'm just going to call the boys and Honor." Rory told him.

"Finn and Colin are here?" Logan whispered surprised

"Yes of course silly, they care about you Logan, they haven't left since we brought you in." Rory told him.

Rory was on her way out of Logans bed but Logan pulled her back. He really didn't her to leave him just yet.

"Don't go just yet." He begged her.

"Baby I need to call the boys and tell them you're awake." Rory told him.

"But you do you have to do it right now?" Logan asked.

Rory gave up and laid back beside Logan and ran her hand through his hair and kissed him on his forehead.

They laid there for 15 minutes until Logan fell asleep again. Rory slowly got up from the bed, she kissed him on his forehead and whispered I love you Logan.

And then she quickly exited the room and took out her phone and called Finn.

"Hello Love, what's up?" Finn asked.

"Hey Finn, can you take Colin and Honor and come up to Logans room?" She asked.

"Sure thing love, everything okey?" He asked her.

"Yeah everything is okey, Logan has woken up, well he was awake, he just fell asleep." She told him.

"Okey, we're coming, does he know yet?" Finn asked.

"No not yet, I'm gonna try telling him.." Rory replied almost crying.

"Everything will be okey love, you have to tell him." He told her

"Yeah.." She replied not completely sure.

"We're on our way up love." Finn told her.

After hanging up with Finn, she made her way back to Logans room, when she got there, she stopped in the doorway and just looked at how he slept.

She had no idea how they were going to deal with him having cancer. How would he handle it? She had to tell him..

She didn't want to wake him but she had to.

"Logan, baby wake up" She said gently while kissing him.

"Hmm.. hey ace?" He said sleepy.

"Hey there sleepyhead, how are you feeling?" She asked worried.

"I'm not really sure to be honest, I don't really have any strength." He told her.

" Aww baby." She said while gently drawing her hand through his hair.

She bent down to kiss him, when he suddenly made a weird face and started to puke, right down on Rory's shoes.

"I'm sorry ace." He apologized.

"Hey it's okey baby, it's not your fault."
She took of her shoes and sat them aside,

Logan looks really pale, She thought to herself.

"Ace?" He questioned.

"Yes baby?" She answered.

"What's wrong with me?" He asked.

Oh no, she didn't want to answer this..

"Ace? You in there?" He asked her.

"Umm, I don't know how to tell you this but you have cancer baby".. she told him now crying.

"I have cancer..?" He questioned. He couldn't understand how he could have cancer..

"What sorts of cancer?" He asked looking at Rory

"You have Chronic Myelogenous Leukemia." She told him shaking.

What will happen next? Will Logan be released from the hospital?

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