Coming Home Again

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About 2 hours later Logan finally woke up, feeling ill. He felt like throwing up, he grabbed a bucket that stood on the night stand.
When he were finished throwing up he saw he were still in the hospital.

"Ace?" He asked her like he didn't see her.

"I'm here baby." She told him reassuringly.

She walked over to him and sat down beside him on the bed.
She saw the how tired he was from the chemo session.

"Logan, how are you feeling?" She asked him concerned.

"I'm really tired from chemo.." He told her honestly.

Suddenly Dr.Grey entered the room and saw that Logan were awake.

"I'm glad to see you awake Logan, how are you feeling?" Dr.Grey asked him.

"I'm exhausted and nauseated." He answered honestly.

"Can he go home soon?" Rory asked Dr.Grey.

"Well we would have to keep him for at least few more hours just as a precaution."Dr.Grey answered her.

"And if everything is okey, then can he go home?" Rory asked Dr.Grey.

"Of course and he still have to come in next week for the fourth session. And if you have any questions just call this number." Dr.Grey said while writing down the number on a piece of paper.

"Thank you Dr.Grey for everything." Rory thanked Dr.Grey.

"A nurse will be here within a few hours and help you checkout." Dr.Grey told them.

Moments after Dr.Grey left the boys came back after had been out to get some decent coffee, tea for Logan and some donuts for everyone.

"Finally some decent coffee, you're god sent thanks Finny." Rory thanked him.

"No problem love, your awake Huntz." Finn said happily.

"How're you feeling Huntz?" Colin asked him.

"Tired and nauseated." He answered Colin honestly.

"So will you be discarded soon?" Finn asked him.

"Hopefully within the next couple of hours, they wanted me to stay just as a precaution." Logan answered Finn.

"Have you two decided to hire a nurse?" Colin asked them.

"Well we have considered it and think it would be necessary, I really think I need the extra help with Logan." She answered Colin.

She turned to Logan and looked into his eyes and he just nodded agreeing with her.

Three hours later.

"Mr.Huntzberger you are free to go home, we will get you a wheelchair that you can borrow." A nurse told him.

"Thank you nurse." Rory thanked.

The nurse went out to the nurses station and got a wheelchair for Logan. The nurse returned with a wheelchair and then helped him into it.

"Do you want us to come with you to the apartment?" Finn asked them.

"Sure you guys decide, but I think I could use your help." Rory answered him.

"Then we're heading home to you." Finn told them.

Finn and Colin gathered Logan's things.
The they all headed to the elevators, Finn and Colin walked on beside Logan on opposite sides and Rory gently drove Logan whom were sitting in the wheelchair.

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