Aftermath of the first round of chemotherapy

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When they got closer to Logan's room, Rory could see Finn and Colin sitting there and waiting for them to come back from Logan's chemo. She waived to them and signaled that she needed help with getting Logan in bed. The boys nearly ran out to help her with Logan. When they slowly entered the room, Logan slowly began to wake up.

"Hey there babe."Rory softly whispered in his ear.

"Mm ace." Logan replied sleepy.

Finn and Colin slowly lifted Logan out of the wheelchair and on the bed, then they told Rory they would leave for a while and then come back. Rory told them how thankful she was that they had stayed. And then Finn and Colin left.

Rory decided that she should get a bucket for Logan just in case he would throw up after his first round of chemo. Then she took the blanket and covered Logan with it. When she had done that she decided to step out of Logan's room to make a phone call.

"Hello, Huntzberger residents." The person said.

"Hello, I'm looking for Mr Huntzberger." Rory said.

"May I ask who's calling?" The other person asked.

"I'm Rory Gilmore, Logan's fiancé." Rory told the other person.

"I'm sorry but mr Huntzberger isn't available right now, can in take a massage?" The other person asked.

"Just tell him to call me back at this number, thank you." Rory said.

After she had hung up, she heard vomiting coming from Logan's room, she headed in side the room and saw him hugging the bucket and vomiting. She walked up to him and sat beside him and running her hand through his hair.

"Baby you okey?" She asked concerned.

"I'm not sure Ace." he answered shortly before he continued to vomiting.

"Is there anything I can do for you?" She asked concerned.

"Just by being here is enough Ace." He told her.

"Are you sure Logan?" She asked again.

"Mmm I'm sure ace." He told her.

Rory went out to the nurses station and asked if they could paige Dr.Grey and Dr.Avery and let them know that Logan Huntzberger is awake.

She then went back to Logan's room and saw him still sitting up in bed.

"Baby why don't you try to lay back and try to relax, I'm sure the doctors we'll be here soon." Rory told him softly.

"I don't know what to do here ace.. I just want to go home."Logan told her almost crying.

"I know baby, I want to go home to but not until the doctors says its okey for you to go home again." Rory told him while running her hand through his hair.

"I don't want to stay here anymore more Ace." She He told her honestly.

"I know baby, I don't want to stay here either. But we have to until the doctors says we can go home." She told him.

"I know ace, just wish it wouldn't take this long.."He told her.

"Yeah I know Logan." She said.

Suddenly there was a knock on the door and Dr.Grey and Dr.Avery walked in.

"Hello Logan, Rory. How are you feeling after your first chemo session Logan?" Dr.Avery asked.

"I guess I'm okey, just really tired." Logan

"He just woke up about 20 minutes ago." Rory told the doctors.

"We just need to take some blood samples from you Logan, and after that you can leave. But you will get a schedule for when you are going to have chemotherapy sessions." Dr.Grey told him.

"And try not to over do your self, you're not going to have the same strength as before since chemo takes away a lot of your strength and you will begin to lose your hair starting very soon. Try to take it easy between chemotherapy." Dr.Avery told him.

"How long will I have to get chemotherapy?"Logan asked really not wanting to hear the answer.

"You will have to do at least 5 rounds and after that we will see how the chemotherapy treatments have helped, until then you can't have the bone marrow transplant." Dr.Grey told him.

"And if they haven't helped by then?" Rory asked.

"If they haven't helped then we'll probably continue with 5 more chemo treatments. But after these five it should have helped." Dr.Grey answered.

Logan couldn't wrap his head around this..

"And if they have helped after they have helped, then if we have a match whom can donate then hopefully it will cure you."Dr.Avery said.

"Just don't get your hopes up, just try to stay positive during all of this."Dr.Grey told them.

"Good bye Logan, Rory. We will see you two in three weeks for your next chemo treatment." Dr.Avery told them.

"Thank you for everything."Rory thanked them.

Then Dr.Grey and Dr.Avery left and in came a nurse to take some blood samples from Logan.

Rory decided to call Finn and Colin.

"I'm just going outside to make a call, I'll be back in few minutes okey Logan?" She asked him.

"Yeah of course ace, I'll be here." He replied.

Rory took her phone and went outside of Logan's room, she called Finns number.

"Hello love, everything okey?" Finn asked.

"Hey Finn, yeah everything is okey, Logan is just getting some blood taken and then he will be released from the hospital."Rory told him happily.

"That's great news love."Finn told her while smiling.

"I have a favor to ask you and Colin."Rory told him.

"Anything love."Finn said.

"Could you guys please pick up some food and bring it to the apartment?" Rory asked him.

"Sure love, but don't you need help with Logan?" Finn asked her.

"No, I'm okay, im gonna call Frank and ask him to come pick us up." Rory told him.

"Okey love, so we'll see you two at the apartment in like two hours?" Finn asked.

"Yeah two hours will be okey." Rory replied.

"See you soon love."Finn said.

After she had hung up with Finn she called Frank and told him to pick up her and Logan and Grey&Sloan memorial hospital in an hour. And then she headed back to Logan's room.

When she entered the nurse had just finished talking some blood samples, and another nurse had brought an wheelchair for Logan to borrow after he had left the hospital. Rory helped Logan to get out of the bed and in to a change of clothes and then in to the wheelchair.

"You ready to go home baby?" She asked him.

"Ready as I'll ever be." He answered.

"Frank will meet us down stairs with the car and he will help me get you in and the we'll go home." Rory told him.

Rory and Logan headed for the elevators and pressed the elevator button, waited for it to open and then stepped in. Rory pressed the button down to the lobby. They went down. When the elevator stopped they went out of it and headed for the exit.

How will it go when they come home?
Will Mitchum return Rory's call? And why did Rory decide to call Mitchum??

More chapters are coming soon :)) Promise!! Thanks for reading❤️

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