Dinner and a Surprise

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When she entered the bedroom, she could see him just laying there sleeping. She really didn't want to wake him but if they wanted to get ready for the dinner, she knew she didn't have any other choice.

She sat down beside him on the bed, then gently kissed him on the forehead.

"Sweetie, time to wake up." She whispered softly in his ear.

"Hmm? Ace? What are you doing home already?" He asked her a little confused.

"Well we have dinner plans with the gang in almost two hours, so I decided to leave the office earlier today." Rory answered him while gently touching his on the cheek.

"I'm glad you left earlier Ace." He told her honestly.

"How are you feeling today?" She asked him with concern.

"I feeling a little better for now Ace." He answered her honestly.

"I'm glad to hear that Logan, you up for tonight?" She asked him.

"Yes I am, were are we meeting with the guys?" He asked her.

"We're meeting up with them at a place called O'Learys, at 17.30." She answered him.

"Who are joining us tonight?" Logan asked her.

"Finn, Rosemary, Colin, Stephanie, Paris, Doyle,  Robert and his new girlfriend, me and you." Rory answered him.

"Tonight will be fun, I need this." Logan told her honestly.

"Well if we're going to be at the restaurant in time then we need to get ready." She told him.

"I guess we should, help me up?" Logan asked her.

"Of course." She answered him while standing up from the bed.

Rory stood up from the bed and gently helped Logan out of bed and gently walked into the bathroom.

"Shower or bath?" She asked him while letting him sit on the bathtub side.

"I'll take the shower." He answered her.

"Good, while you shower I'll look for something to wear." She told him.

"Why don't you join me?" He told her smiling.

"What are you smiling at? As much as I'd like to but we don't have time." She told him honestly.

"Fine, but when we get back you will pay me back for this." He teased her.

25 minutes later.

"Babe, have you seen my rose earrings?" Rory called to Logan who were in the living room.

"I think I saw them on the counter in the bedroom." He called back to her.

Rory started looking around when she finally found them.

"I'm not sure if we should do this tonight maybe we should stay home.." Rory thought to herself.

"Ace? You okey?" Logan asked her.

"Yeah, I'm okey. Just thinking about tonight." She told him honestly.

"It will be fine, I'm fine Ace. I promise you." He told her reassuringly.

"We don't have to go if you're not up for it." She told him.

"We are going Ace, now what should I wear tonight?" He asked her.

"Umm, maybe light blue jeans, white shirt and a black jacket?" She asked while holding
up the clothes.

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