A Visit

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Next morning, Logan woke up before Rory, so he decided to gently get out of bed and carefully walking into the kitchen and making breakfast for Rory.

He slowly walked out from the bedroom and into the kitchen. Once in the kitchen he started with making coffee, then he began making the the pancake dough. While he stood there making the pancakes, he couldn't help thinking back on the past few months and how helpful and supportive Rory had been, sure she had put on a brave face sometime but he knew how she felt deep down.

The point were that without her, he would not have made it through chemo, all those sleepless nights.
He had been really nervous about proposing to her, but just seeing the expression on her face was worth the nervousness.
Logan was so deep in though that he didn't hear Rory entering the kitchen and sneaking up behind him and wrapping her arms around him.

"You okey babe?" She asked him while kissing him on his neck.

"Yeah I'm fine, just deep in thought." He answered her while spinning around and kissing her on the mouth.

"Ready for tonight?" She asked him.

"Of course, it will be fun seeing everyone and going back to Yale." He answered her.

"I was thinking since we aren't meeting everyone until tonight, maybe we could invite my grandparents for lunch and break the news to them?" Rory asked him while taking a sip from her coffee cup.

"Sure, we should have told them already."He answered her while sitting down at the island.

"I know, I should have told them already." Rory told him.

"Just call them and invite them for lunch and we will tell them then". Logan told her.

Rory picked up her phone and dialed her grandparents number. A few seconds later her grandparents maid answered the phone.

~ "Gilmore Residents, how can I help you?"

~ "Hello, this is Rory Gilmore, can I talk to my grandmother?"

Seconds later Emily came on the phone.

~ "Hello Rory, how are you and Logan?"

~ "We're okay grandma. And you & grandpa?"

~ "As well as can be expected. What can I do for you?"

~ "Well me and Logan were wondering if you and grandpa could join us for lunch today?"

~ "Of course, how about 12.15?"

~ "That sound great, we'll see you then, say hello to grandpa for me?"

~ "Sure, see you soon."

Rory hung up the phone and looked at Logan.

"Happy now?" Rory told him sighing.

"Very, maybe we should get started on lunch?" Logan told her while placing his hands on her shoulders.

"Sure, but what should we eat?" Rory asked him sighing.

"Something Emily and Richard would like." Logan answered her.

"Maybe Caesar salad with chicken and garlic?" Rory told him.

"Sound great Ace." He told her while kissing her on her neck.

"What time are the guys coming over?" She asked him.

"Well Finn and Rosemary will be here at 17.15 and the rest will be here at 18.00 and then we're leaving at 18.30." Logan answered her while kissing her on her neck.

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