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Long update bc I didn't post for a few days. (: Enjoy!

Magcon, and Digi are both in New York now? For fuck's sake. 

As we get off the plane, I hurry to get my luggage and haul an Uber off to the hotel we're all staying at. I'm honestly so excited to meet Baby Ariel, Zach Clayton, Blake Gray, Madison Beer, Nathan Triska, Weston Koury and Mark Thomas. 

You might ask, why am I on tour when technically I have no 'talent'? I never promoted my YouTube, but a lot of people found out thanks to my 4.7k subscribers. So now everyone knows I have a YouTube and it blew up to an astonishing 190k subscribers. 

I thank the driver and hand him correct change and get out, walking into the lobby to see all of Digi sitting in the chairs. They hear the sounds that my suitcase made as I strolled in, and everyone gets up and crowds around me. I was pounded with a group hug from everyone and I couldn't resist the gesture and I hug back. "Okay, I'll be honest - I'm fangirling" I giggle as they all are in complete awe.

People thought I was self centered, snobby and stuck up because I had such a high follower rate on my fan page. I got the reputation as "favourite" and such, rumours always got made up that I meet everyone and I'm known because of Hunter. Which is entirely not true, because I never met any celebrity. It kinda sucks, because Ohio isn't the number one city to live in - so it's a huge deal if anyone comes. 

It was honestly a huge let down when Hunter made the whole scene about not showing up to when we were supposed to meet. I've never ideally, been happy since the text dump. 

"Okay, so it's Blake, Weston, Zach and Maria. The rest you know" the manager shrugs. I nod, I can live with 3 boys for a couple of days... Right?

We all go up to our rooms, I'm kinda bummed that it's wasn't: girl room, boy room but we still have heaps of stops which means I'll have a chance to really get to know the girls. 

There's two beds, oh god. "Who's sleeping with who?" I ask as the boys walk in with their suitcases rolling behind them. "I'll sleep with Maria?" Blake speaks up and I shrug. "Whatever suits, I don't care to be honest" I sigh and sit on the closet bed to me. I open my phone, to be hammered with messages, calls, and notifications. 


Bitch, life'll be hell for you!

You have it coming.

You ruined everything, because of that screenshot to Messy Monday!! 👿


Hey, it's Brandon. 


I kinda got your number from my brother aha.

I know you may not think much of me because of Hunter, but I saw the way he treated you on the plane and the MM screenshots. 

I'm here if you want a friend, and I'm 100% on your side. Don't hesitate to call 💞

24 missed calls from Mother 😊

Instagram: Direct message from @Hunterrowland 

I didn't realise I was crying, because Blake came and comforted me. "Why are you crying?" he asks, my lock screen was still open so he snatches it and scrolls through it all. "Is Hunter the ex?" he asked with a raised eyebrow. I sigh, nodding. "Excuse me, I gotta call my Mum" I sniffle, taking my phone and walking down to the lobby. 

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