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The flight landed, and I put my hood back on before exiting the plane. I went to the baggage carousel and waited impatiently for my luggage, and I zoomed for it once it caught my eye. I hailed an Uber to give me a ride to my house, and before I knew it I was thankfully at my house. I paid the driver and he sped off, as I unlocked my house and sighed in relief. 

Once I changed into sweatpants and a crop top, my phone went off. 

From: Brandon 😂 ❤️

Maria. You have no idea how guilty and sorry I am. I took the peoples' word for everything and believed them over my best friend. At first I had a bad impression of you because of the whole fangirl shit, but when you moved to AZ and dated Hunter and when you leaked the messages and DM's, I felt sorry. I felt really bad because that's my brother right there, hurting a beautiful girl like you who doesn't deserve his unworthy time. He's not worth it, neither is Blake. I am really, really sorry Maria. Knowing I lost you over this is sad, and I want to fix it. I want you to be that best friend where we don't have to worry about looking like potatoes or saying weird stuff around each other. Please forgive me, I second guessed and chose the wrong side, I really feel guilty the way you sat in the plane seat after I gave you the look. 

Honestly I was in awe, what he said as an apology. I want to believe he's true saying this. 

To: Brandon 😂 ❤️

I'm willing to put this behind us, and resume our friendship... But I won't forget. It hurt me what you did, but we should move forward. :)  If you want you can come over and hang out bc I'm bored asf (random address)

From: Brandon 😂 ❤️

Sure, I'll be over in 5 

There was no need to change since it's just Brandon, I'm not dressing to impress. I was still sitting on the couch, then I heard someone walk in and Brandon plopped on the couch next to me.

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