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About a week later, I was back home. "Did you hear anything I said at all during the coma?" he asks nervously. "I heard everything, but if you're worried about you kissing the fan.. It was an accident. They happen, and we move on from it" I smile and he smiles back, showing his straight, white teeth. "Thank you!" he sighs in immediate relief and gently engulfs me into a hug. 

We sat on the couch and turned on Netflix, and whilst it was loading I post a photo on Instagram. 

@mariakirchner: I'm back and well :) 

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@mariakirchner: I'm back and well :) 

I go to search accidentally and I saw Hunter's user, and the blue dot showing he posted. I click on his user, and it came up with a photo of me in hospital 3 days ago. 

@hunterrowland: Get better baby 💞  😣

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