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Just as the flight was called, the Rowlands rush through security and join the line. I sigh, looking down until we got to the lady at the desk. We handed her our tickets, and boarded the plane. 

Blake and I's seats were aisle seats but in the same row, so I'm kinda nervous as to who's sitting next to me. Once I get partially comfy, and the loudest, rudest and most obnoxious person happens to be sitting in my row. Hunter Rowland. He had the seat next to me, then Brandon had the spot next to him, aka window seat. 

"Hey hoe!" Hunter exclaims, punching me in the shoulder. "Hi..." I mumble, using Touch ID to unlock my phone. I go on Snapchat and send a snap to Blake; "welp" and it has half of Hunter's face in the photo, and I look scared in it. Blake looks over and his jaw clenches. 

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