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Brandon hugged me for a while as I still cried. "Let's go out and get fro yo" he smiles and I nod, wiping my moist face. He held an arm out for me to get up, and I looked at myself in the mirror. I am so ugly, smh. I fix my hair, letting it down and in front my chest before slipping on my Adidas Superstars and going downstairs. I grabbed my phone and walked out with Brandon, locking the door.

The walk to the fro yo place was filled with laughter, and I pulled my hood up halfway through because I felt like it. When we got there, Hunter just had to be there. Brandon looked at me like split-up and I gave him a light nod before walking outside and ringing my Mum. I know she has called me horrible names, but I need to call her to she how she was... And also to pass time whilst Hunter's in there. 

"What do you want child" Mum growls. "I-I just wanted to see how you were" I say sighing. "No, I disown you, little brat! Whore! Slut! Just die so no one knows you're my child since nobody cares about you" she laughs. 
I hung up, and walked in as Hunter was eyeing me carefully as if he knew who I was. I rush to get my fro yo done, paying for it and exited the store, hoping Brandon'll follow. 

20 minutes later, no sign of Brandon. I grind on my teeth in between munches on fro yo walking back to my house. I locked the door, no one is coming in my goddamn house. I don't even know why I go out around here because no one clearly, gives a damn about me. 

To: Brandon *middle finger emoji*

You fucking dick. Of course, ditch me for your brother and his little squad. Nice knowing I was too gullible to fall for your kindness. One thing I learnt these past months...

Never trust a Rowland. 

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