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I woke up, in a happy mood. Hunter was beside me and we were really okay. I'm 16, and I'm dating the boy that I fell in love with when I was 13, a wild child on YouNow 3 years ago. Hunterrowland22.
It became something big. ♡

I was pulled back down, to Hunter. He opened his eyes, "stay in with me bae" he groans, kissing all over my face. "Okay, okay baby" I pout playfully and snuggle up to him. My phone suddenly rung, interrupting our moment. I answered, "is this M. Kirchner?" a lady spoke on the other end of the line. "Yes" I simply answer, hoping she'd speed up this phone call.

"I'm sorry but to inform you that your grandmother and mother have passed" she trailed off, and I sighed heavily shutting my eyes tightly trying to prevent tears. "Ma'am?" she asked again, probably thinking if I'm still on the call. "Yes, yes I-I'm here" I softly said, "we're sorry. They died in a car crash, about half an hour from your grandmother's residence" she sighed. "I hope you still have a good day despite my news given, thank you for your time ma'am." 

To be honest, I was only very upset about my grandmother's passing. I mean, my mother called me a whore and slut, barely caring about me unless I was "whoring" around. My grandmother cared about me, I often went to her house in middle and elementary. 

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