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Everyone who was waiting for the plane was silent, legit silent. It got awkward, but then two all too familiar faces we chatting away to a spot in the same row of seats as me. I pulled my hood up and checked all my social medias. Someone sat in the seat next to mine, I hesitantly looked up to see Brandon. "Hey," I whispered looking over his shoulder to see Hunter turned the other way and on his phone. "Hey" he smiled genuinely, he took out his phone and opened Snapchat, "be on my Snap" I nodded and posed. 

I posted one on Instagram, because Hunter and all the jealous haters can suck my ass if they think I'm a hoe and that. I don't find Brandon insanely attractive, nor have feelings towards him. We're good friends, and that's it. 

@mariakirchner: a wild Brandon found me at the airport 😂 💚 

@brandonrowland: bestie 😛 @mariakirchner

"Flight 203A to Phoenix is now boarding, gate 12" 

Brandon and I went into line to board, I found out that we're sitting next to each other and Hunter's sitting two rows back. We put our stuff on the shelves and took our phones, and I grabbed my portable charger since my phone was on 48%. 

The whole way there Brandon and I were sharing laughters, taking photos of each other and videos. I was going through people's snaps, and then Hunter Rowland :) popped up at the top, a read square so it's a photo? I open it, and it's him rolling his eyes "stop being a whore with my brother, he doesn't need to be hurt by you 😒 " .

Honestly, words like hoe, whore and that don't hurt me anymore. In one ear, and out the other - I've been called them too many times that I'm shatterproof from those words. Brandon looked at my phone as I screen shotted it, he looked at me sympathetically.

I sat further into my seat, I feel kinda dull and I really just wanted to go home. "I-I" Brandon tried to speak but I cut him off. "You think I am a whore, t-that's fine" I shrug and go on Instagram just to be greeted with more unpleasant comments. 

@user: Hunter, Blake now Brandon?
@user: SLUT
@user: whata slut ...
@user: gotta zayn from the whore's page
@user: oH now you're after Brandon

A few tears slid down my face, it just hurt because Brandon was being all 'best friend' towards me. "Maria, I'm sorry" he said softly. "Why'd you pretend to be my friend when all you see in me is slut when I'm just trying to find happiness?" I replied, at a volume that was just over a whisper. I didn't bare to look up at him, I didn't want him to see how hurt I was. "I-I, um..." he stuttered, and that's when I knew I was bullshitting myself when I thought I had a friend, frankly - a guy friend. 

I took photos of the sky from out the window, trying to pass the time of the horrible flight. 

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