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After a few minutes, I pulled away. "Hunter why did you flinch when I held your wrists?" I pout, going to lift his sleeves up when he jerked away then too, and rubs up and down nervously. "Please baby" I frown, taking a step forward. "N-no" he stutters, pulling his hands behind his back. "Hunter, please" I beg, and he sighs and puts his arms out in front. I roll up his sleeves to see cuts. 

"Why?" I frown, looking up at his luscious green eyes. "I-I'm sorry. I felt u-useless, like a... a fuck up to this w-world" he stutters, softly speaking as if he's disappointed with himself. I just engulf him in a hug, rubbing his back whilst doing so. 

I pulled away again, "no more of this, please? I love you, and come to me when you feel upset" I frown, and he nods. "I-I love you" he smiles goofily. "I love you more okay, you're my everything, my lifeline.

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