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Back at the hotel, Blake came up to me. "Hey, um, Im sorry. I-I" he continues, then I cut him off. "It's okay, lead me on" I giggle sarcastically. "No it's not, Madison is a real hoe and I was oblivious. I should've paid attention to the signs" he rambles on, I shut him up by pressing my lips to his soft ones. After a few seconds of startling him and taking it by surprise, he kisses back. 

"Oop, PDA" Zach yells smirking as he walks in holding the door handle, then walking out afterwards. We laugh, smiling in the kiss and then broke the kiss off to breathe. "Will you be my girlfriend?" he asks, breathing heavily. I smash my lips to his once again, increasing the passion and strength a little. He pulls away, "yes?" he questions and I nod. 

"I've always wanted to braid someone's hair, can I try braiding yours?" Blake randomly blurts out, laughing. I nod, "sure" with a slight laugh as he sits up to where the pillows were on the bed, spread his legs a bit and I sit in the space. I take my hair out, and Blake starts to attempt braiding. 

Weston walks in, shocked. "Baria!" his voice cracks, making us laugh. "Are you actually?" he asks seriously. Blake and I look at each other like do-we-tell-them? and we nod. "Yeah" we giggle, turning shades of pink. "BARIA" he screams, voice cracking again as he runs out of the hotel room and all you hear are the thumps becoming distant. 

"Should we tell the supporters?" I ask and Blake shrugs. "Up to you princess" he says, I grab one of his hands and lace our fingers together and lay it on my thigh and take a photo, featuring both of our legs and hands. 

@mariakirchner: @blakegray 💞

Blake reposted the photo and put it on his Instagram.

@blakegray: @mariakirchner 💖

Blake then finished his braids in my hair, and I really liked them. "Blake! Your braids are really good what the fuck" I laugh, looking in the bathroom mirror. I had my hands up, feeling my braids and Blake comes in and wraps his arms around my waist and leans his head on my shoulders. 

Next minute there's a knock on the door, and Blake goes to open it. There's talking that I can't hear, and suddenly Madison walks in - fuming. "You stole Blake from me, you bitch!" she screams and throws a punch. I punch back, and Blake runs in shocked. He pulls me off Madison, and then does the hand signal "I'll be right back" and I nod as he drags bloody Madison out of our room and to her's. 

Once he comes back, he lifts me up and as instinct I wrap my arms and legs around his torso as he takes me to the bathroom counter. Blake dabs stuff just below my cheek, which happens to be the same one that Hunter slapped, started stinging and I wince in pain. "I'm sorry baby" he pouts, continuing to clean up my face. 

Blake was done, he picked me up once again, I wrapped arms and legs around his waist. He put me down on the bed, I check the time and it's 6:21. "We should go out for dinner" I smirk and he nods. "Where?" he asks. "Don't know, but dress fancy but not fancy" I laugh, and he nods walking over to his suitcase. I walk over to mine and grab an outfit, walking to the bathroom with my outfit and makeup bag, curler and shut the door. 

I walk out, and Blake's wearing:

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I walk out, and Blake's wearing:

"I feel underdressed" Blake laughs, eyeing me up and down

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"I feel underdressed" Blake laughs, eyeing me up and down. "I feel a tad overdressed. But oh well" I giggle, and we leave the hotel room. 

To: Ariel ✨

Blake and I left for dinner date. That's why we won't be around lol.

From: Ariel ✨

Okay! Tell me about it later 😏

To: Ariel ✨

Will do! ;)

I held Blake's hand, and it sent slight tingles throughout my body. We walk around New York, wandering wherever we like - and we'd stop at a place for dinner somewhere on the way. "I love you" I say looking up at him, and he looks down at me with his piercing blue eyes.

"I love you more baby girl" he says smiling, and untangles our fingers and hands to wrap his arm around my lower back, but it wasn't quite low enough to be classified as a "pervert" move or anything. I turn on my phone and quickly look at Instagram, and there's a lot of hate. I don't need the negativity, especially right now so I turn it off. 

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