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"Princess..." He softly said, trailing off, and cupping his hands on my cheeks, forcing me to look at him. "What was it about?" he pouted, I looked down whilst thinking of how to phrase it. When words wanted to slip out of my mouth, they wouldn't. 

I texted him, 

I can't speak at all :( but... my grandma / mother passed in a car accident

and as soon as he read it he lunged into my arms and rubbed gently on my back. "It'll be okay my precious," he said just above a whisper. 


Sorry ya'll I don't feel that great, but good night/afternoon/morning wherever you are. :) It's currently night aha, 10:30pm. 
Gotta get in the routine of going to bed early bc of school lmao, tried doing that 10 days ago but I ended up going to bed at 12-3am the whole 10 days xD

xx, charlotte

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