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I decided to try and tickle him so I turned over and started around his hips as he squirmed and tossed and turned. "S-Stop!" he stuttered, laughing his head off. "Not unless you say I'm the best!" I giggle, smirking. "F-fine, you're t-the best!" and with that I lay off him, and I open Snaps and again, Hunter sends me another Snap. "Oh wow, so now you're hanging out with my brother? SLUT KYS" my eyes watered, but fought them back as I screen shotted it. 

"What's wrong Mar" he frowned, wrapping an arm around my neck and rubbing my back. "Your brother's right, I'm a slut and should kill myself" I say and run up to my room and lock the door and slide down it, sobbing. "Maria, open up" Brandon softly asked, but I ignored his request. 
"Please," he begged and I sighed quietly as I move from the door and unlock it, allowing Brandon to barge in. He cradled me in his arms, cooing things I don't understand. "Don't listen to him, he's a dick" Brandon assures me. "It's hard when you have constant torments from him on messages and Snapchat to not fall for his words..." I sniffle, crying into the crook of his neck.

Here's an update, but I'm gonna leave it there for now because it's 12:51AM. Good morning, good afternoon, goodnight! 
Thank you all for all of the reads, votes, shares and comments! Means a lot 💚
Xx, Charlotte

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